
Larry Gude

Strung Out going to get about $800,000 a game as near as I can tell. ($25 mil a game, about 30 games a year)

Soccer tickets seem to be about $30 on average. So, that's about 23,300 fans a game that need to come see him to pay for that.

A-Rods $25 mil a year was, if nothing else, for 162 games.

So, it says Davids salary will be highly subsidized by endoresments. Soccer must be getting big.


All Up In Your Grill
Larry Gude said: going to get about $800,000 a game as near as I can tell. ($25 mil a game, about 30 games a year)

Soccer tickets seem to be about $30 on average. So, that's about 23,300 fans a game that need to come see him to pay for that.

A-Rods $25 mil a year was, if nothing else, for 162 games.

So, it says Davids salary will be highly subsidized by endoresments. Soccer must be getting big.

Not to mention, he's bringing Posh Spice with him...(I think that's the one he's married to)
Not that I follow soccer that closely, but I'm pretty much guessing he's the biggest soccer star to come to the US since Pele.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Edit... math was wrong plus I mis-spoke. It's not $25 mil a game; it's $25 mil a year. And it's not $35 mil a year, it's $50 mil a year! ($250 mil/5 year)

So, make that 55,000 tickets per game at $30 a pop to pay for him.