Been waiting for this day for 8 long years


I have bought my last pack of diapers.

The tiniest Toxling took his last pull-up off 3 days ago, and there hasn't been a single accident.

Barring any unforeseen catyclisms, the next package of diapers I will buy will be years from now, for my own old wrinkled incontinent self.

:yahoo: :cartwheel :starcat: :thewave: :clap:

I'm so happy I could just ####.


Salt Life
:lmao: Congratulation's!! :clap: :party: I know I'll be equally thrilled when I'm no longer paying for daycare. The babe is 10, only one more year!!! :getdown:


Baby blues
Chasey_Lane said:
:lmao: Congratulation's!! :clap: :party: I know I'll be equally thrilled when I'm no longer paying for daycare. The babe is 10, only one more year!!! :getdown:
Ain't that the truth! I've got one out of more to go, but she's only 5.... :bawl: It's gonna be a looooong time yet.

:clap: And congrats to you Toxick, and the toxling, of course!


Has confinement issues..

What about when your Toxlings spawn?? Don't tell us that Grandpa Tox won't be changing a few bottom bombs for old times sake??



This is a monumetal day! Hooray!

This will all work out I promise. If he has an accident or pulls down his boxers to poop in the floor don't freak! It's all natural! :huggy: