Behave, the Video Vigilante is watching


Ubi bene ibi patria
"OKLAHOMA CITY -- It was a bright-blue winter morning in this Bible Belt capital, and Brian Bates was happy. The balmy weather conditions, he explained, were conducive to his peculiar line of work: public humiliation.

Steering wheel in one hand, camcorder in the other, Bates slowly drove a white Ford Explorer with tinted windows past a procession of sad-eyed prostitutes. But his camera was not trained on them; it was targeting their customers.

Bates, the self-styled Video Vigilante of Oklahoma City, sneaks up and surprises men consorting with prostitutes and then posts cleaned-up versions of the footage on the Internet -- to disgrace them.

"If you get caught by the cops, you pay a fine. If you get caught by me, you get a life sentence," Bates bragged as he trailed a middle-aged man who had invited a young prostitute into his red Ford pickup. "There's no reprieve, no probation. People will be hitting that video on Google searches as long as you live."

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Working for the weekend
"OKLAHOMA CITY -- It was a bright-blue winter morning in this Bible Belt capital, and Brian Bates was happy. The balmy weather conditions, he explained, were conducive to his peculiar line of work: public humiliation.

Steering wheel in one hand, camcorder in the other, Bates slowly drove a white Ford Explorer with tinted windows past a procession of sad-eyed prostitutes. But his camera was not trained on them; it was targeting their customers.

Bates, the self-styled Video Vigilante of Oklahoma City, sneaks up and surprises men consorting with prostitutes and then posts cleaned-up versions of the footage on the Internet -- to disgrace them.

"If you get caught by the cops, you pay a fine. If you get caught by me, you get a life sentence," Bates bragged as he trailed a middle-aged man who had invited a young prostitute into his red Ford pickup. "There's no reprieve, no probation. People will be hitting that video on Google searches as long as you live."

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Pretty neat idea, but it still makes one wonder why he has decided to become a one man vigilante........maybe this guy is a closet perv himself..:eyebrow:


Pretty neat idea, but it still makes one wonder why he has decided to become a one man vigilante........maybe this guy is a closet perv himself..:eyebrow:

Exactly my thoughts, maybe someone should video tape him when he buys porn.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I do not understand why it's not illegal to post photos and video of people on the internet without their permission.

There should already be some sort of privacy law that prevents this.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I do not understand why it's not illegal to post photos and video of people on the internet without their permission.

There should already be some sort of privacy law that prevents this.

Wouldn't a signed release be required?

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
Another copy/paste from nhboy as this could be his way of conducting damage control.


New Member
Only a matter of time before a dissatisfied customer pops a cap in this idiot, or beats his head in with a baseball bat.

Maybe we will see it on You tube. What goes around ,comes around.