

I've been having some abdominal pain; sharp twinges in the right colon. First worry for someone my age (47) is colon cancer. Even though I haven't had a colonoscopy yet, I think all the tests (blood, urine, xrays, ct scan) I've had have ruled out anything serious. I think I am suffering from spasms or some sort of inflamation of the colon (at least I hope that's all it is).

Anyway, my doctor prescribed Bentyl and I wanted to see if anyone else has taken this, what were your symptoms, any side effects, and did it solve the problem? The reason I ask is, originally doc was going to prescribe me Motrin. When I told her Motrin messes my stomach up she prescribed Bentyl. After reading what Bentyl is for I thought it was a strange leap from Motrin to Bentyl.
