best friend


New Member
I had an army buddy, last time I saw her was sept of 82, she came to visit me in Germany. Over the years I wondered where she was. there was no internet back then. We had gone through boot camp, but didn't meet till we graduated, and realised that the army had made us buddies. Our names were on eachothers orders. We went through tank school together, and were like sisters. We would fight, but even so, we would go to the chow hall together, and hang out, even if we wernt speaking to each other, like sisters. She found me and sent me a Christmas card. we have talked on the phone, and e-mailed. She is coming to visit in July. It has been 27 years, but talking to her on he phone, seemed like it has only been 27 hours. She lives on a farm in ND, and has horses. She has not changed, and I find we have alot in common. I wish all women could have a good lifelong friendship like this. even if you don't see eachother for years, you pray that she is allright and happy and that somehow, someday you will see eachother again.... and then you do. And it is as if you have never been apart.:biggrin:


Got better things to do
It is amazing the bonds that can be forged between people in this world. And it is true that military service seems to be particularly good at the welding. I'd like to add, though, that I wish friends like the ones I've found to everybody, not just women. And even if I never see some of them again, they'll always be with me.


I wanna be a SMIB
My best friend and I met when she was 17 and me 19, we get to see each other every few years, shes in Utah, me ohio. We are now getting older and greyer but still and always best friends.


I still email back and forth with a best friend from way back. We were around 13 when we met (in our 40s now).


art imitating life
My elementary school BFF and I just found eachother on facebook. We have not talked in 15 years and it was like we never missed a beat!!!