Best OBGYN? Any birthing centers in SOMD?


New Member
I need to find a great OBGYN preferably in St Marys (although I will travel to Calvert or Charles if necessary).

If you have a good OR bad experience, please share!

I'm especially looking to find someone who is open to a more "natural" childbirth, or at least is not adverse to it (I don't want to be pressured to get an epidural or other meds that aren't necessary).

It looks to me like most of the OBGYN's in St Marys are all under one practice- southern Maryland womens healthcare? I can't find many who aren't part of their group, and I don't think I like the idea of being stuck with whatever random doctor from their practice is on call when you go into labor.

Also, are there any non-hospital birthing centers in southern maryland? Or any hospitals that have a separate birthing center (not a maternity ward)?


New Member
Southern md women's health care has a midwife, so if looking for a more natural birth I would look into her. I am not even sure Joyce Neal practices anymore but wouldn't use her again if you paid me to:(. I am a doula and have worked with dr Tilley and he was very good:). I myself use Polko. She has delivered 4 of mine and hope she delivers the next one also!!


Active Member
Southern md women's health care has a midwife, so if looking for a more natural birth I would look into her. I am not even sure Joyce Neal practices anymore but wouldn't use her again if you paid me to:(. I am a doula and have worked with dr Tilley and he was very good:). I myself use Polko. She has delivered 4 of mine and hope she delivers the next one also!!
I work in the Medical Field, and have never heard of a "Dula"..What is that? I'm not trying to be a Biotch, just wondering. EDIT: DOULA
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Active Member
Really? They are pretty popular "now," especially amongst the crunchy crowd and in certain areas of the country.

Having a Doula | American Pregnancy Association
Thanks for the informative link. I don't work in Obstetrics, and don't claim to know everything about medicine in general. Anyone that tells you that the DO know everything is full of poo-poo. This Doula stuff os new to me, but now I know. Sounds like Midwifery to me. When I did my OB Rotations, it was in the mid 80's. Maybe Doula's weren't well known then. But that's pretty cool.


Active Member
I highly recommend the midwives that are in Southern Maryland Women's healthcare. There are only two and you will get to know both of them. I have had 6 natural deliveries but I only learned of them with my last. I can say it was worlds better with them. It was much easier to deal with the pain of labor being able to move around and do my own thing.


Active Member
I highly recommend the midwives that are in Southern Maryland Women's healthcare. There are only two and you will get to know both of them. I have had 6 natural deliveries but I only learned of them with my last. I can say it was worlds better with them. It was much easier to deal with the pain of labor being able to move around and do my own thing.

While I can't recommend anyone, I would like to chime in and say that my experience with a midwife vs. my experience with a ob/gyn doctor, I would definitely go with a midwife. I feel fortunate that my son was born during a time when the military believed in the least amount of intervention. The midwives at Homestead AFB handled all the births unless there was a complication. Giving birth to my first child was a wonderful experience with their help; the other two with doctors were not as rewarding.


New Member
I highly recommend the midwives that are in Southern Maryland Women's healthcare. There are only two and you will get to know both of them. I have had 6 natural deliveries but I only learned of them with my last. I can say it was worlds better with them. It was much easier to deal with the pain of labor being able to move around and do my own thing.

It must depend upon the facilities too, because I was able to move around for the most part before things went downhill :ohwell:

I was never comfortable with the idea of the birthing centers


Active Member
I had 4 deliveries at St. Mary's Hospital, the first 3 I had to lay on my back hooked to monitors. It made me that much more uncomfortable. With the last one with the midwives I was able to walk around and sit on a ball. Not hooked to IV's or monitors. I was also able to get in the whirl pool tub which was a huge help.


Active Member
I never had a Doctor deliver any of my Children, but they were on stand-by just in case.