Best Way Into DC


I actually did do a search before posting this, but do apologize if it has been asked before...

I will be moving to Southern Maryland (Lexington Park) and need to travel into the District (20th and K) once a week. Any suggestions as to the best way to do this?

I see there is a bus that goes from California or Charlotte Hall. Is this recommended? Is there enough parking in California? Worth the extra effort to go to Charlotte Hall? Given the bridge closing grublings, is it better to go to the Suitland Metro and commute from there? Does the bus take Smarttrip or is it best to do the 10 trip pack?

Thanks for any heads up on this.

I am open to slugging, car pool, boat, airplane, skateboard...

Merrie Beth


New Member
If your able to commute by bus and get into the location you want, I would do that. The bus probably leaves from the airport which is a good location. D.C. can be difficult to navigate, and there are always issues getting in and out unless you really know the area.


Active Member
The 909 bus from California will take you to 20th and K. The 905 from Charlotte Hall will take you to 19th and K. The 909 runs less often than the 905. Keller is expecting 1/2 delays due to the bridge closing beginning next month, so it's gonna be a long trip. (I work at 20th and K)


Thanks for your help...

Is there ever an issue parking in California or Charlotte?

Thanks again, getting some good books to read on the bus. :poke: ..



Active Member
flyingdog said:
Is there ever an issue parking in California or Charlotte?

Thanks again, getting some good books to read on the bus. :poke: ..


I don't know about California, but Charlotte Hall, no. If you catch one of the later buses, but won't get a spot in the new lot, but they have the side overflow lot as well as the old lot where we used to park. There's plenty of room.


I Need a Beer
flyingdog said:
Is there ever an issue parking in California or Charlotte?

Thanks again, getting some good books to read on the bus. :poke: ..


FYI - if you plan on riding the commuter bus very early in the morning (prior to sun rise) don't turn the light on to read...people are trying to sleep, don’t recline your seat unless there is no one sitting directly behind you, don't rustle your newspaper, and don't have a loud conversation with the person next to you. :howdy:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
As I understand it, the Keller Buses have no wish to have SmartTrip card readers installed - so it's still the punch hole tickets. Still, if you work for Uncle Sam, those are more or less free with the federal subsidy program.

I drive up to Charlotte Hall from Hollywood to commute into Suitland fairly early, but there's always parking. I take the 903, but since I work in Suitland, it drops me off 200 feet from my desk.

It's not faster to take the bus, but with the subsidy, it's a hell of a lot cheaper, and I at least get an afternoon nap out of it.
citysherry said:
FYI - if you plan on riding the commuter bus very early in the morning (prior to sun rise) don't turn the light on to read...people are trying to sleep, don’t recline your seat unless there is no one sitting directly behind you, don't rustle your newspaper, and don't have a loud conversation with the person next to you. :howdy:

And don't snore!


All Up In Your Grill
Don't forget cell phone etiquette. There's nothing more irritating than sitting in your seat, doing paperwork, sleeping, reading, etc. and listening to the person 3 rows up talk about their day, their evening plans, what's for dinner, etc. :burning:

SamSpade said:
As I understand it, the Keller Buses have no wish to have SmartTrip card readers installed - so it's still the punch hole tickets.

It's not so much Keller - it's MTA. All the white buses are owned by MTA and leased to Keller. They can do whatever they want to those buses, regardless whether or not Keller wants the readers. The Keller's don't really want the readers in the red and white buses, because they use some of those buses for charter trips, but if MTA chooses to put them in, Keller has no control.


Resident PIA
While the Branch Ave station is the closest Metro station, we often find little or no parking and have been forced to drive to Naylor Rd - at which point we have just driven in to DC rather then pay PG/MTA their pound of flesh AND the fare.

I guess that's a recommendation to not take Green line from any of the three stations.