Better murders...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Experts Blame Cop Show For Educating Criminals

Well, that was a matter of time.

Sophisticated planning and concealment of evidence are aberrations, not the norm, said Larry Pozner, former president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

"Most people who commit crimes are not very bright and don't take many precautions," Pozner said. "CSI and all the other crime shows will make no difference."


"They're actually educating these potential killers even more," said Capt. Ray Peavy, also of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and head of the homicide division. "Sometimes I believe it may even encourage them when they see how simple it is to get away with on television."

Yet, in the six years since CBS, which did not return phone calls seeking comment, introduced "CSI," there's been a trend of fewer clues like hair, cigarette butts and the killer's blood left behind at crime scenes, Peavy said.

So, how many of you are starting to plan murders you'd previously put off as too risky because TV now shows you how to get away with it?

Be honest.


I wouldn't blame it on the TV shows, but the thugs are getting smarter with their crimes......rapist using condoms is NOT rare nowadays.