Better Signs = Better Yard Sale


Gotta tell you. This week is much more fruitful.

We made some better signs.. I knew it was those lameass signs I made last week.


Originally posted by Kain99
If I'd known about it, I would have come over to stalk ya! :biggrin:

Well, it's on for tomorrow too. I'll just keep my eyes out for shifty-eyed skulker types. :biggrin:

Most of the big stuff is gone. Our back yard swing, the crib, the rocking chair. Still got that treadmill though, microwave oven, Videotapes (no pr0n, sorry), paintings, 47 tons of childrens clothes - and winter clothes (which I'm rather sure are useless in Arizona), 2 toddler beds, and probably some good stuff that I'm forgetting.

I think that next week is going to be a very good week for Good Will :cool:


Got a picture of the treadmill, what kind of shape is it in?


Originally posted by czygvtwkr
Got a picture of the treadmill, what kind of shape is it in?

No picture. I'll admit that it's well used, though.

Bit it's servicable, the timer and all the stuff still works.. The only real problem is that it's missing one of the incliner thingamajigs, and the plastic enclosure at the front comes off. (It stays in place while you're walking though!)

It's not a showroom piece, but you can work up a good sweat on it.

I was gonna charge 15 for it, but I'll take less... Hey - that beats the $250.00US I paid for it (mumble) years ago.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
My sister had one today as well and did pretty well. I helped her out from 7 to 11 and she said that they finally shut down about 4. LOTS of people stopped by and the pile o'crap is shrunken quite a bit. Probably helps that she lives on a corner in Town Creek.


yard sale sign tips

Okay, I go to yard sales every week. Something that could really help those having them. BETTER SIGNS! I have seen so many signs with an address only. How about an arrow to indicate which way to turn? Don't assume that people know which direction you street is! A couple of weeks ago I saw a sign on the left hand median (in the left hand turn only lane) on 5 at the Sheetz corner for a yard sale that was straight south on route 5! If you purposely got in that lane to view the sign you were screwed! Why not post that sign on the right hand side of the road if the sale is straight ahead? Also, when your sale is over, take your sign down. It is very frustrating trying to find a sale that was a week ago (with no date on the sign) that was left up. Use heavy posterboard for your sign, especially if you post it the night before. I have seen so many signs folded over that I had to pull over and park and go and open the sign up to see what it said. I offer these suggestions to help.
Best to you and your sales,