Business loved her.
all of a sudden they had all of these women that were anxious to find their place in the corporate world, so anxious that the pay scale was lowered for them, saving the corporations millions.
the problem is that overnight the workforce was doubled in the country, and the jobs available stayed the same, someone was going to lose out.
Caps begain being placed on the salaries available for certain job types as the women became a viable part of the work force, they would accept less.
Today what we see from all of this is that it is now almost a requirement to have both husband and wife working to earn the same standard of living that the male alone was able to afford 50 years ago.
In some ways it was good to get the women in the workforce, they brought with them talent that was very much up to par and in some cases better than their male counterparts, but at the same time due to the economics of the process, wages were not able to keep up with the cost of living in the blue collar arena.
Now, if they would raise the pay scales again, I would gladly stop working, do the shopping, the running of the kid, laundry cleaining cooking etc...
I dont have a problem being a kept man if the money is right coming into the household.