The Domain Name Registration business is a low-overhead, very high profit business. Once a registry company goes through the process to become a certified registrar, it's little more than marketing and entering some info into a database. No wonder that well known registrar can afford to advertise during the Super Bowl, huh?
Of course, where ever there is easy money to be made, the scammers are not far behind. They usually try to trick you or scare you into transferring your domain registration to their service.
The latest example of a scare tactic we've seen is demonstrated in the attached FAX that we recently received for one of our domains from "Domain Registry Support." WOW! It sure looks legal and official and very scary (I'm shaking and sweating as I write this). Those unfamiliar with this game might be scared into thinking that their valuable domain name is about to be lost and inspire them to call that magic 800 number. We know it happens, it happened to people we know.
Here are some suggestions to keep you safe when registering/renewing your domain names:
1) Use a reliable, known service. Higher prices do not always mean better service and the lowest prices may not be a bargain.
2) If it is an important domain name--your business domain--spend the bucks up front and register it for the maximum period of time (usually 10 yrs). It wasn't long ago that a popular local newspaper forgot to renew their domain name and people were redirected to a "Sorry Charlie" page for at least a day.
3) Use the option to LOCK the domain so it can't be transferred to to another registrar without your specific intervention.
4) If you hire a web developer to get you started and he handles the initial registration, make sure that you are at least listed as the Administrative Contact. If your name does not appear anywhere in the registration record (Administrative, Technical, Billing), you could stand little chance in getting ownership of the domain should the person you hired decide he doesn't want you to have it.
Of course, where ever there is easy money to be made, the scammers are not far behind. They usually try to trick you or scare you into transferring your domain registration to their service.
The latest example of a scare tactic we've seen is demonstrated in the attached FAX that we recently received for one of our domains from "Domain Registry Support." WOW! It sure looks legal and official and very scary (I'm shaking and sweating as I write this). Those unfamiliar with this game might be scared into thinking that their valuable domain name is about to be lost and inspire them to call that magic 800 number. We know it happens, it happened to people we know.
Here are some suggestions to keep you safe when registering/renewing your domain names:
1) Use a reliable, known service. Higher prices do not always mean better service and the lowest prices may not be a bargain.
2) If it is an important domain name--your business domain--spend the bucks up front and register it for the maximum period of time (usually 10 yrs). It wasn't long ago that a popular local newspaper forgot to renew their domain name and people were redirected to a "Sorry Charlie" page for at least a day.
3) Use the option to LOCK the domain so it can't be transferred to to another registrar without your specific intervention.
4) If you hire a web developer to get you started and he handles the initial registration, make sure that you are at least listed as the Administrative Contact. If your name does not appear anywhere in the registration record (Administrative, Technical, Billing), you could stand little chance in getting ownership of the domain should the person you hired decide he doesn't want you to have it.