Biddy ball


New Member
So, Saturday was first day of biddy ball for the youngsters. This is my first year with a child playing. Last spring my child played tee-ball and I must say biddy ball players are much calmer and well behaved. I don’t know if it’s because there isn’t dirt to throw around or rabbits to chase. For as many kids that were there it wasn’t as crazy as I thought it would be. Pretty much I was impressed.

Here is where I will probably upset some parents…

Rules for taking children out of the house…
1. Brush hair and teeth
2. please no tight pants on boys, they don’t have to be baggy and falling off but ankles should not show and we shouldn’t be able to see knee caps
3. Don’t pull pants up to the belly button.
4. If you must put tight pants on child don’t tuck in the shirt and pull pants up to belly button… this is a huge no-no
5. Please comb your daughter’s hair and pull back. Why do parents keep little girls hair long but refuse to brush it?
6. Clothes should match or at least go together some how. No blue pants with red shirts or no purple sweats and green tee-shirts.
7. I know most parents don’t care about name brand but if you are going to be cheap and put you kid in payless shoes, can you at least keep looking clean or new

Again, I did not mean to offend some of you. Most of you probably feel the same as my mother, “they are only kids who cares what they look like”. Kids are mean and there is nothing you can do to stop bullies, but why set your kid up to look like a goof? I am sure people think I am being silly but I just want my kid to look as fresh as me.


Well-Known Member
Rules for taking children out of the house…

Oh good lord. I will agree with you issues of basic hygiene (brushing teeth) but as for the clothes, how old are the kids we are talking about here? If they are really little and they want to wear something goofy because it makes them happy, why not? Find a bigger issue to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Oh good lord. I will agree with you issues of basic hygiene (brushing teeth) but as for the clothes, how old are the kids we are talking about here? If they are really little and they want to wear something goofy because it makes them happy, why not? Find a bigger issue to worry about.


who cares if a little kid matches? sounds like maybe instead of worrying what other kids are wearing, some attention needs to be paid to what is being said to the kids that are doing the bullying.


Well-Known Member
Oh good lord. I will agree with you issues of basic hygiene (brushing teeth) but as for the clothes, how old are the kids we are talking about here? If they are really little and they want to wear something goofy because it makes them happy, why not? Find a bigger issue to worry about.

Biddy ball is for 6 year olds.
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New Member
I agree with you on the basic hygiene thing. I'm also a mom of 3. My biggest role is to make my children INdependent: brushing their own hair and teeth, picking out their won clothes, making their own lunches, returning THEIR library books on media day. Maybe these clothes you are seeing are PLAY clothes. The ones that the parents are willing to get knee stains etc... If these kids are 6, let them be kids. It's nonya busniess if these parents don't make their kids brush their teeth /hair or wear clothes too tight. You can parent your child almost anyway you see fit.