Sadly I don't think these are lies because he actually believes them. My mom had a stroke a few years back and she does the exact same thing, memories are mixed up, she remembers things that never happened, she talks about me to me. The similarities in the stories are astounding.
-Don't you still owe your brother his half of the money grandpa gave you before he passed?Sadly I don't think these are lies because he actually believes them. My mom had a stroke a few years back and she does the exact same thing, memories are mixed up, she remembers things that never happened, she talks about me to me. The similarities in the stories are astounding.
They use to sound more like politically expedient lies then, now they just sound off the wall batshit crazy.Joe has been doing this for decades, so it's not senility causing his compulsive lying - it's that he's a compulsive liar.
POS only cares about one thing, destroying America,I visited my Aunt in the nursing home , she was 99 years old and she told me a story of going to Europe and having a man there fly her all over and show her the sites where our family was from. Of course she hadn't left the nursing home, but she was happy for the trip and believed it. Joe believes his stories and is happy to reveal them to us, but he is in the White House and not in the nursing home where he belongs.
It's just a little scary to we Americans who realize the situation we are in with this mentally incapacitated person in the White House, but it doesn't appear to bother to those who helped put him there. IMO they are as crazy as he is.