Biden admin: ........ ....... shouldn’t have 2A rights; are ‘dangerous criminals’


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Before you click on the link, (or hover your mouse over the linked words), to read the story, I've removed one word from the below quote. What other word describing any substance could you use that could fit in this sentence? Just a little exercise in "legal" vs "illegal", and, "Yeah but what about'isms"? Such as, "Well xxx could cause the the same effects and it's still allowed."

“Florida’s government recognizes that _____________ use impairs judgment, cognition, and physical coordination, including ‘the ability to think, judge, and reason,’ precisely the types of impairments that make it dangerous for a person to possess firearms.”

American Military News


Power with Control
Yeah, cause pot fuelled rampages so common. I know you all hear about potheads getting high and tearing up places...... happens all the time....... Well, in that one movie, anyway :) Reefer Madness, I think...