BIDEN GOES EXTREME: Give Oil Industry ‘No Ability’ To ‘Continue To Drill’, Take ‘Millions’ Of Cars Off The Road


PREMO Member
“No more subsidies for fossil fuel industry, no more drilling on federal lands, no more drilling including offshore, no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill,” Biden said. “Period. Ends.”

“No new fracking and, by the way, on the Recovery Act, I was able to make sure we invested $90 billion in making sure we brought down the price of solar and wind that is lower than the price of coal, that’s why not another new coal plant will be built,” Biden continued.

“We in fact have the ability to lay down the tracks where no one can change, change the dynamic, and that’s why we should be talking about things like I’ve been talking about for years: high speed rail, taking millions of automobiles off the road.”


Well-Known Member
Let’s not be blind here. His son, soon to be chairman of a European conglomerate oil/energy corporation, needs money.
It’s similar to a father twisting the arm of a t-ball coach to let his son in the game.


Well-Known Member
Going to need some digging into the well connected Dems in DC families becoming parts of these companies.