Biden Unity Plan


PREMO Member
BUILDING A STRONGER, FAIRER ECONOMY The economy is not working for the American people. In a matter of weeks, the abject failure of President Trump and his Administration to competently respond to the COVID-19 pandemic erased all the job gains made since the Obama-Biden administration pulled the country out of the Great Recession, and plunged the economy into recession once more.

But our economy was fundamentally flawed even before the novel coronavirus sickened millions and killed more than 130,000 Americans. Working families’ incomes have been stagnant for decades, while the cost of basic needs—from housing to health care, higher education to child care—keep rising at precipitous rates. Meanwhile, the rich have been capturing a larger and larger share of the economic pie, with incomes for the top 1 percent growing five times faster than those of the bottom 90 percent.

America bills itself as the land of opportunity, but intergenerational mobility has plummeted; children born in the United States are less likely to move up the income ladder than those in Canada, Denmark, or the United Kingdom. Women still earn just 82 cents to every dollar men earn, with even greater disparities for women of color. Wage gaps between Black and white workers at all levels of education have grown wider since 2000. And there is a persistent, pernicious racial wealth gap that holds millions of Americans back, with the typical white household holding 10 times more wealth than the typical Black family.

That’s bad for our economy, it’s bad for our democracy, and it’s bad for the soul of our nation. That is why Democrats commit to forging a new social and economic contract with the American people—a contract that invests in the people and promotes shared prosperity, not one that benefits only big corporations and the wealthiest few. A new contract that recognizes all Americans have a right to quality, affordable health care. One that affirms housing is a right and not a privilege, and which makes a commitment that no one will be homeless or go hungry in the richest country on earth. A new economic contract that raises wages and restores workers’ rights to organize, join a union, and collectively bargain. One that at last supports working families and the middle class by securing equal pay for women, paid family leave for all, and ensuring racial equity. A new economic compact that provides access for all to reliable and affordable banking and financial services. One that treats the formerly incarcerated as the returning citizens they are, and that pulls down the barriers to housing, employment, and the ballot box that for too long have turned even minor infractions into life sentences. A new social and economic compact that at last grapples honestly with America’s long and ongoing history of racism and disenfranchisement, of segregation and discrimination, of economic exclusion and political suppression, and invests instead in building equity and mobility for the communities of color and Native American communities who have been left out and left behind for generations.

Democrats stand ready to take immediate, decisive action to pull the economy out of President Trump’s recession by investing in infrastructure, care work, clean energy, and small businesses to put tens of millions of Americans to work in good-paying jobs, shoring up state and local budgets to save jobs and protect public health in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and enacting 12 fundamental reforms to address systemic racism and entrenched income and wealth inequality in our economy and our financial system.



PREMO Member
Raising Wages and Promoting Workers’ Rights

Democrats will fight to raise wages for working people and improve job quality and security, including by raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. We know that strong American labor unions help increase wages and job standards for workers across the economy, which is why Democrats will prioritize passing the PRO Act and restoring workers’ rights, including the right to launch secondary boycotts. We will repeal so-called “right to work” laws that undermine worker power and lead to lower wages and less protection for workers across the economy. And we will take action to rein in anti-competitive corporate power by rewriting the rules that have undermined workers’ ability to advocate for themselves, including non-compete clauses, nopoaching agreements, and contracts that force workers into mandatory arbitration to resolve violations of employment laws.

Democrats will recognize unions with majority sign-up—via so-called “card check” processes— and ban captive audience meetings, which employers use to bully and browbeat workers. We will take action to guarantee that when workers come to the table, they are able to bargain with the employers who actually hold the power, including franchisors, and will direct the National Labor Relations Board to enforce the law by penalizing companies that bargain in bad faith with their workers.

Secondary boycott

Definition from Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary
An attempt to stop others from purchasing products from, performing services for, or otherwise doing business with a company that does business with another company that is in the midst of a labor dispute. For example, if a grocery chain's clerks are on strike, and their union discourages a delivery drivers' union from moving the products of the chain's largest food supply companies, that would be a secondary boycott. The purpose of the secondary boycott is typically to exert indirect pressure on the employer to resolve the labor dispute by causing its business connections to suffer as a result of the dispute. Secondary boycotts are illegal under the National Labor Relations Act.
Definition provided by Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary.
Secondary Boycott is illegal for a reason .... sounds like a labor version of the Cancel Culture
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PREMO Member
Investing in the Engines of Job Creation

Democrats believe the COVID-19 pandemic, and President Trump’s recession, demand unprecedented, transformational federal investments to create family-sustaining and union jobs. 1

We believe that the world’s richest nation should have the world’s best infrastructure system. That’s why we will invest in resilient, sustainable, and inclusive infrastructure. Democrats will launch a clean energy revolution through historic investments in clean energy, clean transportation, energy efficiency, and clean and advanced manufacturing. We will repair our highways, roads, bridges, ports, and airports, and launch our country’s second great railroad revolution by investing in high-speed rail. We commit to public transportation as a public good, including ensuring transit jobs are good jobs. We will make sure that every community in America has access to clean, reliable drinking water and safe wastewater systems in their homes. We will modernize our schools and end the digital divide that deprives more than 20 million Americans of access to broadband internet.

Democrats believe more products in our homes, stores, and workplaces should be stamped “Made in America” and will expand support for American manufacturing. We will end policies that incentivize offshoring, and instead accelerate onshoring of critical supply chains, including in medical supplies and pharmaceuticals. We will invest in innovation hubs and government programs to provide small manufacturers with technical and business expertise so they can grow their revenues and their workforces.

Whet the fuk California cannot keep the lights on .....


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
But our economy was fundamentally flawed even before the novel coronavirus sickened millions and killed more than 130,000 Americans. Working families’ incomes have been stagnant for decades, while the cost of basic needs—from housing to health care, higher education to child care—keep rising at precipitous rates.


PREMO Member
Ensuring Equitable Access to Banking and Financial Services

One in four American households are either unbanked or underbanked, putting them at risk of losing money due to exorbitant fees or usurious interest rates. Democrats will support and encourage Congressional efforts to guarantee affordable, transparent, trustworthy banking services for low- and middle-income families, including bank accounts and real-time payment systems through the Federal Reserve and easily accessible service locations, including postal banking. Democrats will also expand access to credit by creating a public credit reporting agency to provide a non-discriminatory credit reporting alternative to the private agencies, and will require its use by all federal lending programs, including home lending and student loans. And we will reinvigorate the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to ensure that banks and lenders cannot prey on consumers.

Discrimination is all ready illegal .......

The scars of the financial crisis that triggered the Great Recession are still present in our economy and our society. Banks should never be “too big to fail.” Democrats will work to reverse the over-financialization of the American economy by maintaining and expanding safeguards that separate retail banking institutions from more risky investment operations. We will strengthen and enforce the Obama-Biden Administration’s Dodd-Frank financial reform law to protect American workers from the impacts of future financial crises. And when justified by the law, we will back criminal penalties for reckless executives who illegally gamble with the savings and economic security of their clients and American communities.

Better not maker investments we don't agree with

Closing the Racial Wealth Gap The extreme gap in household wealth and income between people of color, especially Black Americans, and white families is hurting our working class and holding our country back. Democrats are committed to a comprehensive agenda to achieve racial equity. That means improving economic mobility for people of color, including by addressing the racial wealth gap


White Families are not American ?