Biden's Government


PREMO Member

Another 'Conspiracy Theory' Turns Out to Be True: Welfare Offices Hand Out Voter Registration to Illegals

It sure is strange how so many supposed 'conspiracy theories' turn out to be true. The gas stove ban that wasn't happening, until it was (unless you're special, like Kamala Harris) comes to mind.

At the beginning of May, the Biden-Harris campaign mocked Speaker of the House Mike Johnson for introducing legislation that would prohibit illegal immigrants from voting in federal elections. It wasn't necessary, the campaign said, because it's already against the law for illegal immigrants to vote in federal elections. The AP dutifully carried water for the administration too, saying illegals voting in federal elections was merely a 'Right-wing talking point.'

Well, guess what? Welfare offices across the country are handing out voter registration forms to illegal immigrants.

That think the media and the Biden-Harris campaign swore was illegal and wasn't happening.

More from The New York Post:

Welfare offices and other agencies in 49 US states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship, leading Republicans and conservatives to call for swift federal action to stop the handouts.
Every state but Arizona — which recently passed a law barring the practice on state but not federal forms — gives applicants for either welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail-in ballots voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship.
There is currently no requirement on federal voting forms to provide proof of US citizenship, though it is illegal to falsely claim one is a citizen or for a non-citizen to cast a ballot in a federal election.
But millions of migrants with humanitarian parole, refugee or asylum status are eligible for benefits that would bring them to the offices where voter registration takes place.




Well-Known Member

Saying that "working class" equals "uneducated" sounds pretty elitist to me.

So my 4-year degree from a state school that I obtained while working as an auto mechanic probably isn't elite enough for that fruitcake.

Strangely, his degree from UCLA is still from a state school.


Well-Known Member
One nation Under God, Indivisible
Indivisible -------------well---------------Joebama has taken care of that.


PREMO Member
🚀🚀 Newsweek ran a story last week with the unlikely headline, “Biden nuclear security official called for 'queering nuclear weapons’.” Yep, it’s come to that.

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In February, Biden’s Department of Energy hired Sneha Nair (if that’s her real name) as the new special assistant to the National Nuclear Security Administration. Her resume included an article she wrote for the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists in June, 2023, titled “Queering nuclear weapons: How LGBTQ+ inclusion strengthens security and reshapes disarmament.

Among other arguments, Nair suggested that without the keen insights and perspectives from gay nuclear weapons administrators of color, the government might accidentally overlook nuclear threats posed by normal white people, which she described as domestic terrorists.

You can easily see how that kind of mistake could happen, if there aren’t enough gay people supervising the nukes.

“Equity and inclusion for queer people,” Nair insisted in her article, “is not just a box-ticking exercise in ethics and social justice; it is also essential for creating effective nuclear policy.” Don’t read it, the article was mostly ‘queer theory’ gobbledygook like that, which could just have easily been written by an AI chatbot.

Isn’t all this progress wonderful? We’re evolving far beyond the old-fashioned nuclear policy of Mutually Assured Destruction to a new, more inclusive nuclear strategy based on equity and queer theory.
And Joe Biden is making sure gay perspectives are fully shaping our country’s nuclear weapons policy. One month after Nair was hired, Biden signed a brand-new, highly classified U.S. nuclear policy, which you aren’t allowed to read.
