Biden's home run...


Super Genius
It was a great speech. What's funny is that when Obama came out and said, "Now you know why I chose Joe Biden..." and then there was a long pause, I thought, "...because he actually talks about issues instead of a bunch of flowery crap?"

Biden for President! :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

It was a great speech. What's funny is that when Obama came out and said, "Now you know why I chose Joe Biden..." and then there was a long pause, I thought, "...because he actually talks about issues instead of a bunch of flowery crap?"

Biden for President! :lmao:

...goes without saying. Obama, to me, took a grand, perfect moment, walked out on stage, opened that droning pie hole of his and ripped everyone right back to reality; "Oh yeah. HE'S the one we're supposed to be supporting." THUD.

It was like Mickey Mantle and Barry Bonds and Pete Rose, all week, all these accomplished, hall of fame, yet certainly not perfect, but still very major league hero's, just like the one they oppose, talking up some wonder kid brought up from A ball who is now gonna pitch the team to the world series while they all just try to field their positions, move the runner over, make suggestions in little meetings on the mound and not make any base running errors.



NOT Politically Correct!!
Saw it all, but when you filter out all the feel good talk all it was is static!!!

The Democrats have once again proven that in this day and age of political correctness and left wing agenda's that it's OK to except a lower standard for the sake of a party. DEE DEE DEE

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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...that one, sadly, and, thankfully, I missed Bubba! :lmao:

Biden Jr was fantastic, but Bubba made me want to throw bricks at the TV. It's like, okay Bill, all these things you think Bush should have done but you had 8 years to do them and didn't get it done, either.

The 9-11 planning happened on Clinton's watch, not Bush's. And socialized medicine didn't fly, either. Homelessness didn't evaporate, although the media did stop reporting about it. On and on, blaming the Republicans for not fixing the world, and neglecting to mention that he didn't fix it, either.

Such an ass.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Biden Jr was fantastic, but Bubba made me want to throw bricks at the TV. It's like, okay Bill, all these things you think Bush should have done but you had 8 years to do them and didn't get it done, either.

The 9-11 planning happened on Clinton's watch, not Bush's. And socialized medicine didn't fly, either. Homelessness didn't evaporate, although the media did stop reporting about it. On and on, blaming the Republicans for not fixing the world, and neglecting to mention that he didn't fix it, either.

Such an ass.


Yup. I mean, I've always understood why democrats what to finally be free of those two, but, dammit, I want them to have to live with it for as long as possible!!!


New Member
"Biden His Time

Barack Obama, that Presidential coquette who teased the world by not announcing his running mate for nearly two months, finally unveiled his vanilla, Vice Presidential bride, thus ultimately opting for a marriage of blandness, predictability and conciliation. Obama’s choice of Joe Biden, the 65 year old Senator from Delaware, now officially cements Obama’s ideological shift from a progressive message of “change” to a placating message of “more of the same…but better than that other guy, we swear!” "
Article from: Wajahat Ali : Biden His Time

To me this article just about outlined the rest of the campaign up until election day.


NOT Politically Correct!!
"Biden His Time

Barack Obama, that Presidential coquette who teased the world by not announcing his running mate for nearly two months, finally unveiled his vanilla, Vice Presidential bride, thus ultimately opting for a marriage of blandness, predictability and conciliation. Obama’s choice of Joe Biden, the 65 year old Senator from Delaware, now officially cements Obama’s ideological shift from a progressive message of “change” to a placating message of “more of the same…but better than that other guy, we swear!” "
Article from: Wajahat Ali : Biden His Time

To me this article just about outlined the rest of the campaign up until election day.

And Ex PREz Clinton didn't say much more either!!!

Me, Myself and I: Bill Clinton Endorses Barack Obama
Bill Clinton endorsed Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention, but he endorsed himself far more. I counted thirty-one uses of the first person (I, me, my).

Speeches like this are notoriously disingenuous and Clinton did not disappoint. He claimed for himself and prophesied for Obama nothing but success.

On the critical issue of whether Obama is fit to be commander in chief, Clinton said there were many who claimed he was too young and inexperienced to be president when he ran in 1992. The statement was meant to answer itself, but given Clinton’s failure to take out Usama bin Laden when he had the chance and his tepid response to the first World Trade Center attack, the Kobar Towers attack and the bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria — all of which brought nothing more than a couple of missiles on inconsequential targets in Iraq — the question should answer itself. Clinton also dismantled the American military, which is why he could claim a surplus when he left office. A monetary surplus, yes, but a deficit in America’s defense capability.

And, of course, Clinton directed his extended adolescence into extra marital affairs that diminished the office of the presidency and made him a laughingstock on late night TV and known for little else around the world. Who doesn’t think “sex” first when they hear the name “Bill Clinton”? Was Bill Clinton too young and immature to be president? Yes, he was.

Clinton accused the Republicans of not caring as much about HIV/AIDS as he and Obama do. But that isn’t true. President Bush has done more for HIV/AIDS than any president, Democrat or Republican.

Clinton gave the delegates what they wanted — red meat criticism of the Republicans, but it will be up to Obama to seal the deal Thursday night with the American people.

Given that his speech may resemble a scene from “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” with retro Greek architecture as a backdrop, it may be more difficult for Obama to persuade Americans he is ready to be president than if he were to climb the steep hill to the Acropolis.


New Member
Why is the Bush Administration the fault for people borrowing too much against their houses? Biden blames Bush for people being upside down on their houses. It is the people's fault for borrowing more than they could pay back. Again, the Democract Party ideal is a nanny state where people's mistakes are covered by the rest of us.

I am sick of Biden pretending to be poor boy, he came from wealth, his first wife was very wealthy, he left Scranton at 10 years of age, went to elite prep school in DE. He is no poor person. What a bunch of propaganda. This from a former PA and DE resident.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Why is the Bush Administration the fault for people borrowing too much against their houses? Biden blames Bush for people being upside down on their houses. It is the people's fault for borrowing more than they could pay back. Again, the Democract Party ideal is a nanny state where people's mistakes are covered by the rest of us.

He even had the gal to bring up credit card debt!!! Like WE, the taxpayers, should bail these freakin' people out!!!


I make a moderate income and don't have a single cent of credit card debt. That would be because I don't buy stuff I can't afford. Why is that such an impossible thing for other people to do??

dia look

New Member
SInce the Democratic VP nominee has a family member gettting ready to go serve in Iraq, think the Republicans will try and find a VP nominee who can claim the same? How many Republicans who could be VP either have a family member serving in Iraq or Afganistan or has served there? is it a short list or a long one?


Common sense ain't common
SInce the Democratic VP nominee has a family member gettting ready to go serve in Iraq, think the Republicans will try and find a VP nominee who can claim the same? How many Republicans who could be VP either have a family member serving in Iraq or Afganistan or has served there? is it a short list or a long one?

McCain has two sons in the military, one graduated from the Naval Academy and the other served in Iraq with the Marines. Not sure what the status is of any children of Republican VP nominees.

dia look

New Member
That is good to see, at least what ever party wins, the administration will have a personal stake in what is going on.


Well-Known Member
Don't you hate when you have to friggin' point that out to people because they can't be bothered to find it out for themselves, even though it's been widely reported?

Don't ya know? Republicans are all chicken hawks, every last one of them. They love war because it makes them MONEY. Democrats of course, are all patriots, all serving their country with distinction, and they hate war but they always are first in line to serve.

Sorry, I threw up in my mouth a little.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Don't ya know? Republicans are all chicken hawks, every last one of them. They love war because it makes them MONEY. Democrats of course, are all patriots, all serving their country with distinction, and they hate war but they always are first in line to serve.

Sorry, I threw up in my mouth a little. to say that I can't find much about Joe Biden and Vietnam, yet it's pretty easy to find stories about Dick Cheney and Viet Nam.

Cheney is one year older than Biden.

Cheney, BTW, was born in Lincoln, NE.


NOT Politically Correct!!
McCain has two sons in the military, one graduated from the Naval Academy and the other served in Iraq with the Marines. Not sure what the status is of any children of Republican VP nominees.

Actually one son is currently serving in Iraq (he's enlisted) and McCains other son is currently a student at the US Naval Academy (to become a Commissioned Officer). :coffee:


Biden Jr was fantastic, but Bubba made me want to throw bricks at the TV. It's like, okay Bill, all these things you think Bush should have done but you had 8 years to do them and didn't get it done, either.

The 9-11 planning happened on Clinton's watch, not Bush's. And socialized medicine didn't fly, either. Homelessness didn't evaporate, although the media did stop reporting about it. On and on, blaming the Republicans for not fixing the world, and neglecting to mention that he didn't fix it, either.

Such an ass.

That's the brilliance of Clinton... he knows how short peoples' memories are. What will be fun to watch is when Obama's presidency is over the right will be bloviating about how Obama didn't fix this and that and the left will be bloviating about how Bush had 8 years to fix this and that, and the cycle just goes on and on.