Big Brother


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Ruthless Babe

New Member
I watch Big Brother and just saw the houseguest listing also. Anyone know what school she is from? It will be interesting to watch her. I remember there was a teacher once who lost her job because of her behavior on the show (I think it was Big Brother), so depending on what she does, she may cause an uproar among the parents in her school.


Active Member
People don't always use their real information on myspace. I don't know how BB could have gotten Waldorf if that's not what she told them.

Ruthless Babe

New Member
Maybe she grew up in Waldorf but currently lives in Fort Washington (or vice versa)? I saw her myspace too but unfortunately it is set to private. It does look like her, even though it is not a close picture of her.

There is a 28 yr old Jameka Cameron in Waldorf, MD. There is also a 7th grade guidance counselor named Ms Cameron at Stoddert Middle school in PG county, so it very well may be her:

"Mr. Blakeney is the sixth grade counselor, Ms. Cameron works with the seventh graders and Ms. Davis counsels the eighth grade"

[Edited to add: the first name of the counselor at Stoddert is Jameka, so odds are it's her]
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