Big Brother


Why me??
I agree with you. I don't like the way that everyone yells at Jerry though...come on now would you yell at your grandpa that way??
I agree with you. I don't like the way that everyone yells at Jerry though...come on now would you yell at your grandpa that way??

I know, like when Memphis freaked out talking all kinds of smack about not disrespecting him as a person :blahblah:

Geez, I don't even have a favorite yet...


You're a LOON :)
I am so upset. I didn't know BB had started until last night. I never miss big brother, but somehow I did this time.


Why me??
I know, like when Memphis freaked out talking all kinds of smack about not disrespecting him as a person :blahblah:

Geez, I don't even have a favorite yet...

That was kind-of scary, it seems like he can blow up at anytime. Then Michelle last night, saying she was going to do something physical if she didn't calm down first. COme on people it is a game!!