penguin6 said:Two houses fully involved at 18th and C st. In c. Beach right now. All north calvert fire depth. On scene with as. County trucks in reserve
Sorry about typos. On my iPhone
penguin6 said:Two houses fully involved at 18th and C st. In c. Beach right now. All north calvert fire depth. On scene with as. County trucks in reserve
Sorry about typos. On my iPhone
FireBrand said:prayers for the families and all involved !
penguin6 said:Two houses fully involved at 18th and C Street in Chesapeake Beach right now. All northern Calvert fire deptartments are on scene with Anne Arundel County trucks in reserve
Sorry about typos. On my iPhone
penguin6 said:Two houses fully involved at 18th and C Street in Chesapeake Beach right now. All northern Calvert fire deptartments are on scene with Anne Arundel County trucks in reserve
Sorry about typos. On my iPhone
CableChick said:
Dedicated said:I was on this fire, and I must say that ALL companies did a heck of a job controlling this fire. The first Engine got their with heavy fire in both units and were able to keep it under control until other companies could arrive and assist them. A bulk of the fire was being fed by a propane tank under the deck, caused the fire to spread rapidly and most of it ended up in the attic spaces of both units. Alot of people were there watching us work, but I don't think alot od people realize how much work goes on inside. The crews that went in worked very hard and all deserve an extra pat on the back for that one. This fire was the ultimate definition of teamwork. For as much fire was there, everyone should realize that keeping this fire contained to only the two units affected is an amazing job. Just wanted to give a first person perspective of someone who was inside.