Big Tech Continued Censorship


PREMO Member
YouTube deletes Trump video, freezes CPAC account

YouTube deleted a video of former President Donald Trump from the American Conservative Union’s account and prevented the group from live-streaming the former president’s Sunday CPAC speech.

In a statement, ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp said the group learned that its account had been frozen for seven days over a video from Friday in which Mr. Trump announces his class-action lawsuit against the Silicon Valley titans such as Google and YouTube.

That loss of access to its video account meant the ACU, which runs the Conservative Political Action Conference, could not upload Mr. Trump’s speech or any other live content from its CPAC 2021 Part 2 in Dallas over the weekend.

“It is clear that YouTube censored CPAC because we stood with former President Donald Trump on his lawsuit against Big Tech,” Mr. Schlapp said. “This is yet another example of Big Tech censoring content with which they disagree in order to promote the political positions they favor.”


PREMO Member
Dissent Is the Highest Form of Patriotism...but Not Online

Funny enough, this cliché of a phrase used to pardon even the most bloody of protests seems to go from virtue to vice in the blink of an eye… when the Democrats are in charge. Now, all that dissent they were cheerleading a moment ago borders on treason.

It’s not and they know it, but if they can’t lock you up and shoot you for speaking out against them, they can try to silence you — and with your largest platform for dissent being your social media accounts, the Democrats know right where to hit you.

The idea is that if you spread misinformation on one platform, then that platform should ban you, and subsequently, so should all other social media platforms. What counts as misinformation is subject to the whims of the Democrats, of course.

Two days ago, Jacob Sullum wrote an article for the New York Post that summed up the nefariousness of the Biden administration’s attempts at silencing their critics:

This censorship by proxy is especially troubling, because the “misinformation” that offends Biden and Murthy isn’t limited to verifiably false statements about COVID-19 vaccines, such as claims that they cause infertility or alter human DNA. It also includes messages that are accurate but “misleading,” which could mean they discourage vaccination by emphasizing small risks, noting that vaccines aren’t completely effective or raising questions about the methodology of vaccine studies.
Nor is the “misinformation” targeted by the Biden administration confined to speech about vaccines. Murthy is also concerned about messages that might encourage people to “reject public-health measures such as masking and physical distancing,” which would encompass even good-faith skepticism about the effectiveness of those safeguards.


PREMO Member
‘Alarmed And Suspicious’: Senators Tell Biden To Explain Crackdown On ‘Misinformation’

“These twelve people are out there giving misinformation. Anyone listening to it is getting hurt by it. It’s killing people. It’s bad information,” Biden said. “My hope is that Facebook, instead of taking it personally, that somehow I’m saying Facebook is killing people, that they would do something about the misinformation, the outrageous misinformation about the vaccine.”

In response, a letter sent to the Commander-in-Chief on Monday by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) — joined by Mike Lee (R-UT), Rand Paul (R-KY), Mike Braun (R-IN), Roger Marshall (R-KS), Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Rick Scott (R-FL), James Lankford (R-OK), and Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) — cited Psaki’s statements and expressed concern that the Biden administration’s policy toward “misinformation” is unavoidably partisan.


PREMO Member
Amid Big Tech fight, web hosting company gives conservatives a cancel-proof alternative

As conservatives look to fight back against what they see as an ideologically driven censorship push by Big Tech, one company is looking to make the building blocks of the Internet cancel-proof – giving conservatives more solid footing online.

RightForge is an internet infrastructure company providing server space and web hosting, with what it describes as an ideological commitment to free speech, and it is offering a platform that caters to conservative outlets, campaigns and others who fear they could be canceled by Big Tech.

"We are absolutely ideological," CEO Martin Avila told Fox News in an interview. "What we saw here was the need to have the internet, because it was created in America, carry with it as part of its principles American values, American ideology – that’s our ideology. We believe that the American framework, the core ideas enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution incubated the internet."


PREMO Member
Twitter Suspends GOP Congressman for Saying Rachel Levine Is a Man

When Biden promoted Levine, the administration called him the “first-ever female four-star admiral,” effectively robbing a real woman from ever holding that title.

“My tweet was a statement of fact. Big Tech doesn’t have to agree with me, but they shouldn’t cancel me,” Banks said in a statement posted to Instagram. “If they silence me, they will silence you. We can’t allow Big Tech to prevent us from telling the truth.”

Twitter similarly suspended me earlier this week for pointing out the same biological fact as Congressman Banks.


PREMO Member
Facebook Suppressed Breitbart News Traffic by Twenty Percent

The company introduced two tools after the 2016 election that disproportionately harmed conservative publishers. The Journal highlights internal Facebook research showing that if both tools were removed, it would increase traffic to Breitbart News by 20 percent, the Washington Times by 18 percent, Western Journal by 16 percent, and the Epoch Times by 11 percent. Facebook eventually removed one of the tools while keeping the other — but it is unclear which of them had the most impact on traffic.

According to the Wall Street Journal, one of Facebook’s researchers feared, “We could face significant backlash for having ‘experimented’ with distribution at the expense of conservative publishers.”

The story also revealed that Breitbart News is relegated to a “second tier” of the platform’s News Tab, where it gets less exposure than its corporate establishment competitors. On top of this, Facebook is directly paying Breitbart News’s competitors, establishment media conglomerates including the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times — while offering no such compensation to Breitbart News.


PREMO Member

The Wall Street Journal has obtained internal Facebook documents that shed light on how politics has affected the social media giant’s behavior in recent years. Some argue that the documents confirm suspicions that Facebook deliberately suppresses conservative views, but to me the story seems more complicated than that:

Many Republicans, from Mr. Trump down, say Facebook discriminates against conservatives. The documents reviewed by the Journal didn’t render a verdict on whether bias influences its decisions overall. They do show that employees and their bosses have hotly debated whether and how to restrain right-wing publishers, with more-senior employees often providing a check on agitation from the rank and file. The documents viewed by the Journal, which don’t capture all of the employee messaging, didn’t mention equivalent debates over left-wing publications.
I think that is a key point. The New York Times and Washington Post are just as partisan as Breitbart, a major focus of the WSJ story, and they are no more accurate. Yet Facebook pays them for, and features prominently, their content. Apparently no one at Facebook has ever questioned whether false and hateful reporting by the Post and the Times, such as the Russia collusion hoax to name just one example, should cause their content to be suppressed or downgraded.

Facebook employees focused special attention on Breitbart, the documents show, criticizing Facebook for showcasing the site’s content in News Tab and for helping it to sell ads. They also alleged Facebook gave special treatment to Breitbart and other conservative publishers, helping them skirt penalties for circulating misinformation or hate speech.


PREMO Member
Facebook Weaponizes Fake Fact-Check To Censor Posts Blaming Joe Biden For High Gas Prices

“Our fact check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook,” the paper wrote.

Despite the mild rise immediately before Biden took office, gas prices were still far below what they were during much of 2019. The spike after Biden entered office would have been avoidable had the president not launched an assault on the oil industry on day one.


The sharp rise in gas prices was a direct consequence of Biden’s immediate offensive, stifling capital investment with pressure on Wall Street in a capital-intensive industry, plus repeated pledges for a cascade of taxes and regulation to phase out fossil fuels.

“You don’t have to ban something if you regulate it to death,” former Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler explained to The Federalist in October last year as Biden ran on a platform to do just that.

On his first day in the Oval Office, Biden began to make good on his promises with an executive order implementing a moratorium on leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Sixty miles west of the coastal plain, home to between 4.3 and 11.8 billion barrels of recoverable oil, millions of dollars of equipment stand ready for deployment in Prudhoe Bay to the 1.6 million out of the nearly 20 million-acre refuge once opened for drilling.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I'd be willing to bet, the war on fossil fuels can be traced right back to how much government reps, congressmen and senators have invested in Lithium Mining.


PREMO Member
Zuckerberg funded quiet takeover of government offices to help Democrats in 2020 election

Through the Center for Technology and Civic Life and the Center for Election Innovation and Research, Zuckerberg poured $419.5 million into the election, Hemingway said -- which reportedly went to advance mail-in voting efforts and rally Democratic voters.
"This is crazy that it was allowed to happen," Hemingway told Carlson. "So he [Zuckerberg] spends about as much money as the federal government does in running our 2020 elections. He gives $419 million to two left-wing groups who then funnel the money primarily to Democrat counties in swing states.
But the funding came with strings attached, Hemingway said.


PREMO Member
Our Degenerate Elites Are Losing Control And Lashing Out In Desperation

Big Tech’s efforts in this regard are especially notable for being utterly ham-fisted — from YouTube’s penchant for banning everything from Gray’s rap to anything else its censors deem to be “medical misinformation,” to Twitter’s transparently hypocritical enforcement of its rules against abuse and harassment, to Facebook’s absurd censorship of a meme blaming President Joe Biden for high gas prices.

Billionaires, it turns out, have a penchant for desperately trying to control information. LinkedIn Founder Reid Hoffman and left-wing financier George Soros, a couple of billionaires with a history of peddling lies and manipulating the media, this week announced the creation of a creepily named venture, “Good Information Inc.,” which according to Axios will “fund and scale businesses that cut through echo chambers with fact-based information.” Heading up the operation will be former Democratic strategist Tara McGowan.

As my colleague Tristan Justice noted, this crew comes to the “misinformation” game with considerable baggage. McGowan ran a left-wing nonprofit backed by Hoffman called ACRONYM that botched the Iowa Democratic causes in 2020. Before that, Hoffman financed an actual misinformation campaign in the 2017 Alabama Senate special election, in which fake online accounts were made to appear as Russian bots supported by Republicans.


Well-Known Member
YouTube deletes Trump video, freezes CPAC account

YouTube deleted a video of former President Donald Trump from the American Conservative Union’s account and prevented the group from live-streaming the former president’s Sunday CPAC speech.

In a statement, ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp said the group learned that its account had been frozen for seven days over a video from Friday in which Mr. Trump announces his class-action lawsuit against the Silicon Valley titans such as Google and YouTube.

That loss of access to its video account meant the ACU, which runs the Conservative Political Action Conference, could not upload Mr. Trump’s speech or any other live content from its CPAC 2021 Part 2 in Dallas over the weekend.

“It is clear that YouTube censored CPAC because we stood with former President Donald Trump on his lawsuit against Big Tech,” Mr. Schlapp said. “This is yet another example of Big Tech censoring content with which they disagree in order to promote the political positions they favor.”
I'd laugh if Trump ended up either owning the big techs, or outright destorying them by forcing them into bankruptcy. Hey, those millions of wokesters can find jobs the same as fired health workers, right?


PREMO Member
Peloton Censors ‘LetsGoBrandon,’ Cites ‘Guidelines’

Peloton is apparently censoring hashtags that include the phrase “LetsGoBrandon” from its platform, a Daily Wire review of the company’s web platform has found.

Accusations of the at-home fitness company censoring the phrase, a de-vulgarized version of a popular anti-President Joe Biden chant, surfaced online this week. Users posted screenshots of the company blocking them from creating tags, which users can use to find like-minded people, with the phrase “LetsGoBrandon.”


PREMO Member
How many times must Facebook be caught censoring the truth?

In the wake of the 2020 election, COVID-19 and every remotely controversial event that has followed, Twitter, Facebook and Google — America’s premier speech platforms, which house and shape our national discourse — have taken the decidedly opposite approach, limiting the free flow of information, dialogue and any opinion that runs counter to what the Silicon Valley speech gods and their army of partisan fact-checkers have singlehandedly determined as fact.

Speech, as such, is no longer allowed on the platforms. Just correct speech. And under the great dystopian valance that cloaks America’s major speech venues, the speech the platforms deem correct often turns out to be demonstrably wrong.

Consider how Facebook, in particular, treated the circumstances surrounding Kyle Rittenhouse, the teen acquitted last week of all charges in the self-defense killings of two men and the shooting of another during last summer’s riots in Kenosha, Wis. Immediately after the incident occurred, and despite video evidence which made a self-defense charge instantly plausible, Facebook declared it a “mass murder” and under that justification blocked searches for Rittenhouse’s name and any content in “praise or support” for him on the site — including links to contribute to his legal defense and videos purporting to show Rittenhouse providing aid to protesters.

In other words, Facebook determined that the only speech allowed on its platform was to declare Rittenhouse’s guilt, not his innocence. Perhaps prompted by Facebook’s actions or merely in spite of them, PayPal cut off affiliation with fundraising efforts for Rittenhouse, and so did GoFundMe.


PREMO Member
Facebook Reportedly Censored Pro-Kyle Rittenhouse Posts Throughout Saga

“Just for starters: Killing two people is mass murder now? Sure looks like the social-media giant’s staff just reached for the nearest excuse to suppress posts that conflicted with their personal prejudices — and no higher-up bothered to correct the call,” the Post wrote. “The blackout went far and wide: Facebook actively policed its users for pro-Kyle Rittenhouse posts and removed the content. It even targeted posts from legal scholars arguing the merits of his self-defense case.

Dan Gainor, vice president of the Media Research Center, told the Post earlier in the week that even Rittenhouse stories that were allowed on the social media platform were suppressed.

“One of the big things that they did was manipulate the search engine so you couldn’t even find any references to Kyle Rittenhouse,” Gainor told the outlet. “They’re out of touch with normal people.”

As the Post’s editorial board noted, Facebook “actively policed its users for pro-Rittenhouse posts.” For example, as Wisconsin Right Now reported, Facebook allegedly labeled Rittenhouse a “dangerous person or organization” and banned people who provided legal analysis of his case.

An article from WRN that analyzed Wisconsin law was deemed to have violated Facebook’s “standards on dangerous individuals and organizations. We don’t allow symbols, praise or support of dangerous individuals or organizations on Facebook. We define dangerous as things like: terrorist activity, organized hate or violence, mass or serial murder, human trafficking, criminal or harmful activity.”


Well-Known Member
Fakebook has gotten worse since it became META aka Making Everything Totally Authoritarian.
I shared the recent the ISIS threat article with my friends and families in Va. and telling them to be careful and they were deleted for Going against their Comminist standards.


PREMO Member

I'll beleieve this when AntiFA / Burn Loot Murder start getting bans from Twitter for Doxing