Biker Funeral in Southern Maryland


Today (Sunday) at about 1:00 my SO and I were driving across the bridge towards St. Mary's and we went past a funeral procession that consisted of several hundred bikers. Even the hearse was mounted on a bike.

Does anyone know what was going on? Is there some famous biker that lives in the county that I didn't know about?

Any info would be appreciated.


We saw the same thing... Bikes as far as you could see. Absolutely, breathtaking!


New Member
Biker respect..

Now, I wouldn' claim to be a biker chick, but to the best of my knowledge, that would be a pretty regular practice with funeral processions. It's like a rite of passage. My uncles were in clubs when they passed away and both of their funerals had at least a hundred bikes. I was told that one club had been known to put the corpse on the back of his bike for one last ride.( pretty morbid but i can understand the sentiment behind it)


Material Girl
PREMO Member
I think you saw this:

Time: 9:30 AM
Date: 8/22/2004
Subject: Nat'l Fallen Biker Memorial Run II
Location: All American H- D 27967 Baptist Church Rd Mechanicsville, MD
Event Description:
95 mile police escorted ride thru 5 counties of Washington, DC to increase awareness of motorcyclist on our public roads, honor all Fallen Bikers and raise funding for the National Fallen Biker & Memorial Sanctuary.
Bikers With Heart Foundation, Inc. 301-893-2900 or website

I wish I had seen it. I love watching all those bikes going down the road together.


Cool... So there wasn't a dead guy in the coffin. What a relief!


Thanks for your responses, folks. The info was much appreciated. It's not often that one sees something like that!


Go Braves!
pilot said:
Thanks for your responses, folks. The info was much appreciated. It's not often that one sees something like that!
My husband, the kids and I just stood in the front yard watching them all go by. It was really cool.


This has got to be why I heard all the sirens earlier around noon today. I wish I would have taken the boys to the road to see it. Darn


Well-Known Member
The American flag draped coffin was mounted as a sidecar. Very cool. It was a long-long procesion of a bunch a hundred bikes.


I bowl overhand
willie said:
The American flag draped coffin was mounted as a sidecar. Very cool. It was a long-long procesion of a bunch a hundred bikes.

HAve read an article about three months ago about this hearse.. there are several nationwide, and someone from VA had his bike customized to carry a coffin on a pallet mounted as a side car for use in funerals, but no insurance company would insure him, like he might kill the passenger or something.. So he can't transport bodies in it yet. WOuld think it would be a cool way to be transported myself..