Bill Maher Blames Capitol Riot On Christianity, Conflates QAnon Conspiracies With ‘Religious Thinking’


PREMO Member
“As long as we’re going to go to the trouble of another impeachment trial, we might as well be honest about what it’s really about,” Maher began. “The events of Jan. 6 were a faith-based initiative.”

“And Trumpism is a Christian nationalist movement that believes Trump was literally sent from heaven to save them,” Maher added, playing a clip of Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) claiming God sent Trump.

“There’s a lot of talk now in liberal corners about how Republicans should tell their base who still believe the election was rigged that they need to grow up and move on, and stop asking the rest of us to respect their mass delusion,” Maher continued. “And of course it is a mass delusion, but the inconvenient truth here is that if you accord religious faith the kind of exalted respect we do here in America, you’ve already lost the argument that mass delusion is bad.”



Well-Known Member
And this is rich coming from Maher - as recently as two years ago - I don't know about since - he was wholly on board with the "Trump is an agent of Moscow" thing and that Trump won the Presidency with the aid of Russian assistance.

As far as I can tell - after four years and the Mueller probe turning up bupkis - they STILL believe that. They still believe the 2016 election was stolen with the aid of Russian help even after THREE YEARS of investigations not only turned up nothing - but I do believe that Mueller's incredible lack of interest at the hearing was because - even HE KNEW it was bullshite.

So - BELIEVING completely the 2016 election was completely rigged - they think it's clearly not only ridiculous that the 2020 election was rigged, but entirely delusional and seditious. Three years of investigations turned up no evidence whatsoever even though it managed to injure a lot of people in idiotic process crimes. The whole Russia hoax was just a MacGuffin and its perpetrators knew it when it began.

But there are reasonably intelligent people who believe it, just as I have a multiple PhD aunt who believes in astrology. Intelligence is no guarantor of unbiased, rational thinking.

What I don't get is that "Biden cheated" is unthinkable, unAmerican and seriously delusional - but CONTINUING to believe "Trump Cheated" is not defies any resemblance of logic -

But that is what Maher's arguments hinge upon. That protestors convinced that Trump won and Biden cheated are crazy - but it's ok to believe Trump cheated even when it's been shown to the tune of thousands of testimonies, witness, millions of dollars, years of investigations and millions of hours dedicated to establishing its truth or falsehood.

If Biden REALLY wanted to put it to bed - if liberals were REALLY serious about saying it's bogus - they'd let the investigations start. Because if it's a blind alley, it will lead there.


Power with Control
Hold on though, there's a nugget of truth there. Over these last four years, I've seen quite a few religious themed images of Trump on FB that sorta creeped me out. Ones with Jesus standing behind him while he weeps or signs some paper, others where he's saving babies. Now, is that a majority or even a decent amount of his base? Nope, or he would have won. But they are out there, and they really believe that Trump was given a mission from God to save this country from the liberal heathens. And I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of your Capitol invaders were in that group. That level of stupid seems to be the zealots specialty.



Well-Known Member
I don't think it would be too hard to find similar ones about Obama. We had kids singing songs "Barack Hussein Obama - mmm mmm mmm".

"He said red, yellow, black or white All are equal in his sight Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama "
??? I thought that was Jesus loves the little children?

The Bible does say one thing that baffles people and if you don't know or understand it, you probably shouldn't comment on it but - it says God puts the authorities where they are - when THAT was written, Rome had the world under its boot, and the same New Testament tells Christians to "honor the Emperor" even though at the time of THAT letter, the emperor would have been Nero, a leader who was slaughtering Christians.

How does someone square those two things? God putting someone in power does NOT mean he approves of their righteous behavior. As Jesus said, God causes his rain to fall on the good and evil. Today we mock religious people of Jesus' day who believed that the rich were righteous and the poor were not, because God blessed one and not the other. His apostles wanted to know what SIN caused a man to be born blind.

This world is the entrance exam to eternity. What happens here is insignificant when it comes to creature comforts. It is why Paul says that if for this life only we live, we are to be the most pitied of men (because it is what comes after that matters).

So - yes. Evil - and good - will prosper, and good and bad will have their earthly rewards - or not. Human leaders do not thwart God, but he is playing a long game with billions of chess pieces and he has seen every single outcome.

Here's something else - BIDEN is in office because God wants him there. It has nothing to do with rigtheousness. God raised up kings whom he knew would be bad, others that would be good but became bad, bad ones who became good and so on.

We are always short-sighted. God is not.


Power with Control
I don't think it would be too hard to find similar ones about Obama. We had kids singing songs "Barack Hussein Obama - mmm mmm mmm".

"He said red, yellow, black or white All are equal in his sight Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama "
??? I thought that was Jesus loves the little children?

The Bible does say one thing that baffles people and if you don't know or understand it, you probably shouldn't comment on it but - it says God puts the authorities where they are - when THAT was written, Rome had the world under its boot, and the same New Testament tells Christians to "honor the Emperor" even though at the time of THAT letter, the emperor would have been Nero, a leader who was slaughtering Christians.

How does someone square those two things? God putting someone in power does NOT mean he approves of their righteous behavior. As Jesus said, God causes his rain to fall on the good and evil. Today we mock religious people of Jesus' day who believed that the rich were righteous and the poor were not, because God blessed one and not the other. His apostles wanted to know what SIN caused a man to be born blind.

This world is the entrance exam to eternity. What happens here is insignificant when it comes to creature comforts. It is why Paul says that if for this life only we live, we are to be the most pitied of men (because it is what comes after that matters).

So - yes. Evil - and good - will prosper, and good and bad will have their earthly rewards - or not. Human leaders do not thwart God, but he is playing a long game with billions of chess pieces and he has seen every single outcome.

Here's something else - BIDEN is in office because God wants him there. It has nothing to do with rigtheousness. God raised up kings whom he knew would be bad, others that would be good but became bad, bad ones who became good and so on.

We are always short-sighted. God is not.

Sam, this has nothing to do with Obama, two wrongs don't make a right, nor with God might or might or might not do, I don't. The point is that people who imbue Trump with some sort of righteousness and decide that they need to act illegally on that basis are still engaged in illegal acts. My point was that these people exist.


Well-Known Member
Sam, this has nothing to do with Obama, two wrongs don't make a right, nor with God might or might or might not do, I don't. The point is that people who imbue Trump with some sort of righteousness and decide that they need to act illegally on that basis are still engaged in illegal acts. My point was that these people exist.

Sure they do - but I seriously doubt the two are connected. Maher has ALWAYS had hate for religion. I have no doubt if he had ED he'd blame it on religion.

So why shouldn't he connect TWO things that he hates and make a connection? There are nutty people who think he's sent by God - I am more inclined to believe those people will think God himself will intervene rather than take matters into their own hands.

Maher does what so many on the left do - paint everyone with the same brush. All righties believe Trump is put there by God, including the ones who broke into the Capitol - therefore, they did it because of religion. QED. Except it's based on several premises that fail scrutiny.

I do think this election was seriously tampered with. I do find it hard to believe that Joe of all people got so g.d. many damned votes when neither the other two darlings of the left - Obama and Hillary - never even came CLOSE to what he got. Might as well tell me that Nickelback is the most popular band of all time. Even if the data supports it, logic does not. I don't know how Georgia elected two Democrat senators when one clearly lost last November but his opponent didn't cross the 50% threshhold - and the other, the party got more votes than the Dems did.

But let's say for the sake of argument the Dems came right out and said damn straight we cheated - we needed to get rid of Trump and we did it. It's too late to do anything. If they did something illegal to seize power then there's probably no way to take it back without doing something illegal. I am not condoning violence. But I don't see a path to correcting illegal actions along legal lines.
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Well-Known Member
Hold on though, there's a nugget of truth there. Over these last four years, I've seen quite a few religious themed images of Trump on FB that sorta creeped me out. Ones with Jesus standing behind him while he weeps or signs some paper, others where he's saving babies. Now, is that a majority or even a decent amount of his base? Nope, or he would have won. But they are out there, and they really believe that Trump was given a mission from God to save this country from the liberal heathens. And I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of your Capitol invaders were in that group. That level of stupid seems to be the zealots specialty.
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That is exactly what happened with the Tea Party. I was on board with the Tea Party, until it evolved (devolved) into a far- religious-right movement.

I predict that this will be the same direction the Patriot Party will take, and when it does, I'm out.


Well-Known Member
Some people believe God helped us to get Donald Trump elected to save America.
The only problem is those that believe that have to believe that God let them down when Biden was elected, or that Beelzabob or Satan helped Biden get elected.

I have no problem with people believing anything they wish to believe.
The Freedom to believe is written in the Constitution. In the First Amendment.
So is the Freedom not to believe. I believe our Constitution is one of the greatest documents ever written.
I hate to see the Democrats trying to destroy it, because when it is gone so are all Freedoms in this country.


:blahblah:” Maher began.

A more arrogant, elitist, pompous bag of piss has never before existed in the history of humanity.

Just to put that statement into perspective - Roman Emperors, and Egyptian pharaohs, and Napoleon Bonaparte existed in the history of humanity. And I am opining, with all earnestness, that this useless jizz-stain could teach them all a thing or two about hubris.

I can't even verbalize how badly I loathe that worthless mother ****er.