Bill Maher on marriage...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...Larry King had his buddy on AGAIN last night and Larry asked ol' Billy about drug policy comments he'd made.

Maher's point was if you've never been stoned or taken acid you are in no position to be making drug policy. King, to his credit, then asked Maher about his stance on marriage because Maher busts on marriage and has never been married. Maher, like the self righteous know it all that he likes to play for a living said this (paraphrasing)

"I've been in a long term relationship and that right there means I know exactly what marriage is like."

Now, I don't care what you think of Maher or like him or not. Is there any married people in here who agree with that? I think his hypocrisy is, as usual, the laughable part about his shtick.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...Larry King had his buddy on AGAIN last night and Larry asked ol' Billy about drug policy comments he'd made.

Maher's point was if you've never been stoned or taken acid you are in no position to be making drug policy. King, to his credit, then asked Maher about his stance on marriage because Maher busts on marriage and has never been married. Maher, like the self righteous know it all that he likes to play for a living said this (paraphrasing)

"I've been in a long term relationship and that right there means I know exactly what marriage is like."

Now, I don't care what you think of Maher or like him or not. Is there any married people in here who agree with that? I think his hypocrisy is, as usual, the laughable part about his shtick.

I ABSOLUTELY disagree with that. Dating (long-term or not) is nothing like marriage.


sugarmama said:
I ABSOLUTELY disagree with that. Dating (long-term or not) is nothing like marriage.
To go further, does a person who has never taken a bite out of a crap sandwich have any business saying it would taste bad?

Mahers original point is bogus. We look at the devastation drugs cause in the inner cities, among minorities, the violent crime and he says that is not enough evidence to pass laws prohibiting drugs? What kind of bullshiat is that?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Mahers original point is bogus. We look at the devastation drugs cause in the inner cities, among minorities, the violent crime and he says that is not enough evidence to pass laws prohibiting drugs? What kind of bullshiat is that?
Liberal nutties will tell you that it's the drug *laws* that cause those problems, not the drugs themselves. :lol:

And Maher's full of it regarding marriage.


vraiblonde said:
Liberal nutties will tell you that it's the drug *laws* that cause those problems, not the drugs themselves. :lol:

And Maher's full of it regarding marriage.
the nutty leftists see full jails and ruined lives and fault the legal system that put those people there and not the people who put themselves there.

Lets start a list of all the "good" that can come from illegal narcotics and a list of "bad" stuff and see which is longer.

I just don't understand the mindset of someone who looks at a guy in jail for drugs and sees a victim.

Let them all out and when they are crawling out the window with Granny's silverware after they conked her on the melon with a stick I bet the leftists will scream.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...thsi is off topic but, did Hugh Hefner every meet Bill Mahers mom, say, about 50 years ago?

:lmao: Wondered the same thing when I saw Maher in an interview with Christopher Hitchens the other night..:killingme


Well-Known Member
I'll agree w/ Maher to a certain extent: there's a crapload of people making laws about drugs who don't know jack (or even squat) about the subject. But he sure picked a dumb way to make the point. A long-term relationship is NOT a marriage, and he just revealed a lot of ignorance about that subject.