The article says...
...illegals are treated as non-resident and therefore not eligible for the lower prices in state students recieve as a benefit of being legal residents.
In other words, they CAN go to to school in Maryland; they just have to pay the non-resident rates.
By that logic, Maryland should not have a resident benefit because the 'harm' done to illegals is exactly the same 'harm' done to anyone else, be they a New Yorker, Pennsylvanian or even, God forbid, from France.
We live in a world where unreasonable arguments are given time and energy that is thus not available for reasonable ones.
Further, the argument is, again, based on cost. Resident rates are presumed reasonable where as non-resident rates are presumed unreasonable. How far is to to arguing that illegals shouldn't even have to pay resident rates, or anything at all if the noble goal is equality, education and assimilation?
Why can't we have some reality shows and argue these things for fun and entertainment instead of the frustrating prospect of our tax dollars being consumed by silliness?