Billionaire Robert Mercer did Trump a huge favor.


PREMO Member
Billionaire Robert Mercer did Trump a huge favor. Will he get a payback?

The Internal Revenue Service is demanding a whopping $7 billion or more in back taxes from the world’s most profitable hedge fund, whose boss’s wealth and cyber savvy helped Donald Trump pole-vault into the White House.

Suddenly, the government’s seven-year pursuit of Renaissance Technologies LLC is blanketed in political intrigue, now that the hedge fund’s reclusive, anti-establishment co-chief executive, Robert Mercer, has morphed into a political force who might be owed a big presidential favor.

With Trump in the Oval Office, Mercer and his daughter Rebekah, who has become his public voice, seem armed with political firepower every which way you look – and that’s even though presidential adviser Stephen Bannon, their former senior executive and political strategist, appears to have recently lost influence.

Since the IRS found in 2010 that a complicated banking method used by Renaissance and about 10 other hedge funds was a tax-avoidance scheme, Mercer has gotten increasingly active in politics. According to data from the Center for Responsive Politics, he doled out more than $22 million to outside conservative groups seeking to influence last year’s elections, while advocating the abolition of the IRS and much of the federal government.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Like Soros, it sounds kinda like an exercise in the first amendment to me.

Good example. Were we happy with what Soro's did and is doing? Maybe some checks on his power might have been in order? Like old man Potter in It's a Wonderful Life, do we want people like him and Mercer to be the only power brokers around because they have the most money?


New Member
Read an article about this fund and manager a short while back.... My question about the IRS involvement is when did tax avoiding become tax evading?

I haven't read anything that spells out a law they broke, only that the IRS says they should do their bookkeeping in a way the benefits the IRS instead.

And if they're so effing concerned... How about getting on Al Sharpton or some of the other "Lefties"

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Read an article about this fund and manager a short while back.... My question about the IRS involvement is when did tax avoiding become tax evading?

I haven't read anything that spells out a law they broke, only that the IRS says they should do their bookkeeping in a way the benefits the IRS instead.

And if they're so effing concerned... How about getting on Al Sharpton or some of the other "Lefties"

As I understand it, this group pioneered some new accounting arguments and ways of looking at what they were doing, short term gains, accounting for them long term. The number sounds big, billions supposedly owed but it's really not that much compared to their gain. I think something like a 10% disagreement on how the gain should have been taxed. So, for the IRS, it becomes an argument over how to account for it that, if the IRS loses, opens the door for more people to avoid more taxes.

As far as I know, Sharpton simply didn't pay. I'm not aware that he is arguing he doesn't owe.