I did Billy's 8min and boot camp work out for 3months and lost 27 pounds, plus drinking 3-4 water bottles a day, and also Diet Green Tea is a good natural detox so it just helps lose weight and tone your muscles. Diet Green Tea give's you so much energy, you can eat the things you want.I recomend it to enyone trying to lose weight or anyone who has a hard time getting off the couch to try it.
Diet green tea and detox does not compute. If its a chemical sugar its no good, you're not detoxing anything. Detoxing and loosing weight are two different things as well. Its all these buzz words and propaganda that sell things like diet green tea. Green tea is not bad for you its full of antioxidants but so are blueberries, tomatoes and spinach (but are jam packed with more vitamins and minerals).
The amount of water you should be drinking per day is half your body weight, that number in ounces so if you weighed 100lbs you'd drink 50oz of water per day.
A really great show to watch
You Are What You Eat
Weight loss = the right foods in the correct portions that coinside with calories burned. Burn more calories than you take in.
Eat more raw fruits, veggies and nuts
Eat more fish and less or no red meat
Drink water, its what your body needs.