'Billy the Exterminator' Popped for Synthetic Weed


Lawful neutral
'Billy the Exterminator' -- Arrested for Synthetic Weed | TMZ.com

'Billy the Exterminator' & Wife
Popped for Synthetic Weed
His & Hers Mug Shots Breaking News
Billy Bretherton from A&E's reality show "Billy the Exterminator" has been arrested for synthetic marijuana possession along with his wife Mary -- and TMZ has the bug-eyed mug shots.

Law enforcement tells TMZ, police were dispatched to the Courtyard Marriott in Benton, Louisiana on April 28th in reference to a 911 hang-up call. When cops arrived at the Brethertons' hotel room, we're told they discovered what they suspected was synthetic marijuana and some drug-smoking device.

FYI -- synthetic marijuana refers to a wide-range of drugs that mimic the effects of marijuana ... some are legal, some aren't.


Surely you jest ...
Somehow I just feel a dangerous species exterminator needs his wits about him. Am I wrong? Damn, yet another person only thinking of himself, not family name, rep or their safety on the job. One wrong move could cost a life. What an idiot, guess that's another show off my list.

Yes I watch it. Fascinates me because ' been there done that' in 77' we had mud daubers coming in the old house we just moved in. Coming in around the bathroom light fixture. Mr Bigstuff looked in the attic and said there was the biggest nest he ever saw up there. My hero said he wasn't going back up there! He never explained how big though. *shrug* went on off to work.

So I called an exterminator. He said all hives seem big (lol) and since I had small children he would be right over. Well, seeing the exterminator come back down the ladder fast as hell, gave me an uneasy feeling. The nest was very old, built between and in 2 sections and floor of attic, but still being added on to and newer parts active. It measured over 3 ft. tall and 5 ft. across. He said it was a miracle that the bedroom ceiling had not collapsed under the weight. After killing the bees, he broke up the nest bagged and carried it out to his truck. Had the bill sent to the home owners and lived happily ever after. lol



Well-Known Member
Somehow I just feel a dangerous species exterminator needs his wits about him. Am I wrong? Damn, yet another person only thinking of himself, not family name, rep or their safety on the job. One wrong move could cost a life. What an idiot, guess that's another show off my list.

Did I miss where it said he was high on the job?

Believe it or not, some people like to sit down and have a smoke after work....much like people who like to come home and have a beer or two after work.

Unfortunately, Marijuana being ILLEGAL has opened up doors to people trying to go around the drug laws in place and create this synthetic crap, which is much worse for you than real pot.


Surely you jest ...
Did I miss where it said he was high on the job?

Believe it or not, some people like to sit down and have a smoke after work....much like people who like to come home and have a beer or two after work.

Unfortunately, Marijuana being ILLEGAL has opened up doors to people trying to go around the drug laws in place and create this synthetic crap, which is much worse for you than real pot.

OK I may have overstepped with that one. No it didn't say he was on the job. Sorry but it still makes me angry.

Now in your own words you stated its worse. Now do I have to wait for a few years to see if the effects eat your brain and judgement faster than first thought?

On the job, off the job... potato/ patato. He has still disrespected the rest of his family and the show.

Also your smoke after work same as a couple beers comment is wasted on me. I have stated here before, some people need to keep smoking for without the joint a day, they are non functional, need anger management tits on a bull. I'm not anti pot just anti idiot.




Well-Known Member
OK I may have overstepped with that one. No it didn't say he was on the job. Sorry but it still makes me angry.

Now in your own words you stated its worse. Now do I have to wait for a few years to see if the effects eat your brain and judgement faster than first thought?

On the job, off the job... potato/ patato. He has still disrespected the rest of his family and the show.

Also your smoke after work same as a couple beers comment is wasted on me. I have stated here before, some people need to keep smoking for without the joint a day, they are non functional, need anger management tits on a bull. I'm not anti pot just anti idiot.



Irrelevant...we live in a free country, where individuals SHOULD be allowed to consume whatever they damn well please as long as it doesn't endager, or infringe on another individual, or his/her rights.

If some people feel the NEED to smoke pot, they have issues, and should seek medial attention. Should we force them to do that? No

Should that issue be brought up in front of a panel of professionals if that person is caught? Sure, but they should not be locked away, adding population to the jails, adding a charge to their record, potentially ruining, or preventing them from getting a job.

My point is, this country needs to wake up, and realize our curreent drug laws are out of date. They focus on prohibition, rather than rehabilitation, and for the last 40 years, has been nothing more than a waste of money.


Surely you jest ...
Irrelevant...we live in a free country, where individuals SHOULD be allowed to consume whatever they damn well please as long as it doesn't endager, or infringe on another individual, or his/her rights.

If some people feel the NEED to smoke pot, they have issues, and should seek medial attention. Should we force them to do that? No

Should that issue be brought up in front of a panel of professionals if that person is caught? Sure, but they should not be locked away, adding population to the jails, adding a charge to their record, potentially ruining, or preventing them from getting a job.

My point is, this country needs to wake up, and realize our curreent drug laws are out of date. They focus on prohibition, rather than rehabilitation, and for the last 40 years, has been nothing more than a waste of money.

LMAO... :killingme

My post is just as relevant as the one I answered and your ramblings. We are all entitled to an opinion. I don't disregard your posts as irrelevant.

Point I was making was that in his profession showing irresponsibility could prove to be endangerment.

Please reread what I said slowly, allowing for punctuation. See that I didn't say anything to spark your replies. They were pulled from your opinion which is indeed your right and attached to my post for the purpose of ???

Have a good one



Irrelevant...we live in a free country, where individuals SHOULD be allowed to consume whatever they damn well please as long as it doesn't endager, or infringe on another individual, or his/her rights.

If some people feel the NEED to smoke pot, they have issues, and should seek medial attention. Should we force them to do that? No

Should that issue be brought up in front of a panel of professionals if that person is caught? Sure, but they should not be locked away, adding population to the jails, adding a charge to their record, potentially ruining, or preventing them from getting a job.

My point is, this country needs to wake up, and realize our curreent drug laws are out of date. They focus on prohibition, rather than rehabilitation, and for the last 40 years, has been nothing more than a waste of money.

In my opinion, I think the drug laws are fine where they are. Where do you draw the line on legalizing after pot? :shrug: It would probably set precedent on some others or all. Is there any you would want illegal? :shrug: Do you really want your child's bus driver on LSD? On a funny note, I'm picturing this as the year 2030, everything is legal, you walk into a liquor store and alochol and tobacco on one side of the store and drug aisles on the other. :lol: Shelves filled with hannibas, crack, coke, pot, crank, two for one specials on meth. :roflmao: Seems weird to me. :lol:


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, I think the drug laws are fine where they are. Where do you draw the line on legalizing after pot? :shrug: It would probably set precedent on some others or all. Is there any you would want illegal? :shrug: Do you really want your child's bus driver on LSD? On a funny note, I'm picturing this as the year 2030, everything is legal, you walk into a liquor store and alochol and tobacco on one side of the store and drug aisles on the other. :lol: Shelves filled with hannibas, crack, coke, pot, crank, two for one specials on meth. :roflmao: Seems weird to me. :lol:

Let it all be legal...why choose some?

Give these people, who are going to do the drug anyway, a clean, safe place to do it, and offer them help. Throwing them in jail does nothing.

Like I said before, as long as it doesn't endanger someone else, it's fine with me. Obviously, if someone is a bus driver, they would have a CDL, and be drug tested every year by DOT, not including the employer. If someone wants to do something on their own time, and in their own home, whats the big deal?

If ANY drug could be marketed and sold legally, it would be pot.

Many people would choose to use a natural "drug" like marijuana to manage pain, or boost appetite while in cancer treatments, or people that have an eating disorder, instead of the painkillers doctors hand out every single day. Those presciption drugs are out of control (just look at the police media statements each week), and turn people in zombies.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Somehow I just feel a dangerous species exterminator needs his wits about him. Am I wrong? Damn, yet another person only thinking of himself, not family name, rep or their safety on the job. One wrong move could cost a life. What an idiot, guess that's another show off my list.


Good point.



Let it all be legal...why choose some?

Give these people, who are going to do the drug anyway, a clean, safe place to do it, and offer them help. Throwing them in jail does nothing.

Like I said before, as long as it doesn't endanger someone else, it's fine with me. Obviously, if someone is a bus driver, they would have a CDL, and be drug tested every year by DOT, not including the employer. If someone wants to do something on their own time, and in their own home, whats the big deal?

If ANY drug could be marketed and sold legally, it would be pot.

Many people would choose to use a natural "drug" like marijuana to manage pain, or boost appetite while in cancer treatments, or people that have an eating disorder, instead of the painkillers doctors hand out every single day. Those presciption drugs are out of control (just look at the police media statements each week), and turn people in zombies.

:banghead: Why am I compelled to even respond :banghead: :lol:

Who do you think will pay for these drug addict's nice clean and safe place for them to abuse their drug? I for one am not wanting to live near a house where 50 to 100 people are smoking crack all day or on acid. Your comment to also "offer help" is fine, but a good number of addicts are ALREADY well aware of help out there. They refuse to get help. What makes this scenario different other than to enable them. It makes no sense. Thats like allowing alochol in rehabs, you know in case they really want to rehabiilitate and not hide there. A lot of addicts don't WANT help.

Sadly, most will abuse the situation and will just rot away in these safe drug abuse places on our tax dollars, smoking and toking away. As for people doing whatever they want in their own homes, that's fine but I'm not condoning the use of pcp in my neighbors. Some drugs make some people unstable. Telling them to stay in their "Safe" place or own house is right up there with asking a drunk not to drive.

The last question I have... how in the world do you think allowing pot to be legal will help someone with an eating disorde? Please dont say its because you think its because they will get the "munchies" :killingme: If so, you really are no too aware on what generally causes eating disorders. :lol: If anything, all that will do is add binge eating to the mix and some will then start purging. I am familiar with anorexics, they do not want to do ANYTHING that will have them loose "control" over their eating. I dont see them running to smoke pot, knowing this will lower their guard to eat more food. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
:banghead: Why am I compelled to even respond :banghead: :lol:

Who do you think will pay for these drug addict's nice clean and safe place for them to abuse their drug? I for one am not wanting to live near a house where 50 to 100 people are smoking crack all day or on acid. Your comment to also "offer help" is fine, but a good number of addicts are ALREADY well aware of help out there. They refuse to get help. What makes this scenario different other than to enable them. It makes no sense. Thats like allowing alochol in rehabs, you know in case they really want to rehabiilitate and not hide there. A lot of addicts don't WANT help.

You already pay for them to have a nice, clean place to sleep, why not pay less, and have less chance of spreaching HIV? Portugal did it, and it's working out great. So great, in fact, that US lawmakers may use them as a model here.

There wouldn't be a "house" with junkies running in and out like they do now. It would be a medical establishment with doctors/nurses there to help if anythign were to happen, and this surely wouldn't be in a neighborhood (where it's already happening now).

If there are people that don't WANT help, so be it....let them die off. Why should we continue to pay for them to be continually arrested, in court, etc?

I really think you underestimate the power of your fellow man. Take a look at Portugal's drug policy, and where it came from to now. HUGE difference. Does it make people WANT to quit? No. Does it give the opportunity to non-violent offenders to get help, and avoid getting a criminal record? Yes.

Sadly, most will abuse the situation and will just rot away in these safe drug abuse places on our tax dollars, smoking and toking away. As for people doing whatever they want in their own homes, that's fine but I'm not condoning the use of pcp in my neighbors. Some drugs make some people unstable. Telling them to stay in their "Safe" place or own house is right up there with asking a drunk not to drive.

Those people already waste out tax dollars. Courts are so gummed up with drug cases, it takes forever to get to any REAL case. Those people will rot away inside a jail cell (inder our dime) until they can get out just to use again. PCP is a pretty rare occurance, and I'd bet it wouldn't be around if other drugs were legalized.

Again, what if a father of 4, loving husband, great job, pays taxes, coaches baseball, gets arrested because he had a joint on him while driving? Now he can potentially lose his job, shell out money for a lawyer just to fight it, shell out more money to get his record expunged, just so he can go back to work, because he actually WANTS to work, and pay taxes so the people on welfare, and public assistance can sit home. Don't punish ALL, because of the actions of SOME.

The last question I have... how in the world do you think allowing pot to be legal will help someone with an eating disorde? Please dont say its because you think its because they will get the "munchies" :killingme: If so, you really are no too aware on what generally causes eating disorders. :lol: If anything, all that will do is add binge eating to the mix and some will then start purging. I am familiar with anorexics, they do not want to do ANYTHING that will have them loose "control" over their eating. I dont see them running to smoke pot, knowing this will lower their guard to eat more food. :shrug:


It's also been known to help out cancer patients who can't, or don't have the appetite to eat. It also inhibits nausea.

Did you know marijuana can also be linked to KILLING cancer cells?

Let me put it this way, if you owned a large pharma company, and you made your money by selling synthetic opium pills, along with other medication that has a list of side effects about as long as your arm, wouldn't you be pissed, and lobby against legalization when you realize a plant, that can be grown by anyone, can also take pain away, increase appetite, etc. without the unintended side effects your company's drug has, for much cheaper?

Oh, and you wouldn't be able to patent that plant to make sure others don't/can't use your drug? Money makes the world go 'round....and the more money you have, the more you can affect politics.




We are going to have to agree to disagree, my friend. But I did find this funny...
"Again, what if a father of 4, loving husband, great job, pays taxes, coaches baseball, gets arrested because he had a joint on him while driving? Now he can potentially lose his job, shell out money for a lawyer just to fight it, shell out more money to get his record expunged, just so he can go back to work, because he actually WANTS to work,...."

If he had all that to loose, why would he risk it? :shrug: I sure as hell wouldn't. :shrug: Is it really worth it that badly to have that joint? If so, maybe he has a problem. :shrug: Just sayn'. Not everyone's world revolves around pot that much. Its an illegal drug to use recreationally. Sorry but the law is the law :shrug: If you allow pot a recreational (note I'm not saying medicinal as I understand cancer patients), then where do you stop it and you have clearly stated, any and all drugs should be legal. I disagree. :coffee:


Well-Known Member
We are going to have to agree to disagree, my friend.

If he had all that to loose, why would he risk it? :shrug: I sure as hell wouldn't. :shrug: Is it really worth it that badly to have that joint? If so, maybe he has a problem. :shrug: Just sayn'. Not everyone's world revolves around pot that much. Its an illegal drug to use recreationally. Sorry but the law is the law :shrug: If you allow pot a recreational (note I'm not saying medicinal as I understand cancer patients), then where do you stop it and you have clearly stated, any and all drugs should be legal. I disagree. :coffee:

That's fine...I'm not here to try to change your mind. Just trying to get you to look at it from another perspective.

I wouldn't risk it either, but we live in a free country where that man/woman/ etc. SHOULD be allowed to do whetever they please on their own time.

Unfortunately, people risk this same scenario all the time when they come from a bar after drinking.

Alcohol was illegal once, but we woke up and realized prohibition of alcohol doesn't work. Why not the same with drugs?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
We are going to have to agree to disagree, my friend. But I did find this funny...
"Again, what if a father of 4, loving husband, great job, pays taxes, coaches baseball, gets arrested because he had a joint on him while driving? Now he can potentially lose his job, shell out money for a lawyer just to fight it, shell out more money to get his record expunged, just so he can go back to work, because he actually WANTS to work,...."

If he had all that to loose, why would he risk it? :shrug: I sure as hell wouldn't. :shrug: Is it really worth it that badly to have that joint? If so, maybe he has a problem. :shrug: Just sayn'. Not everyone's world revolves around pot that much. Its an illegal drug to use recreationally. Sorry but the law is the law :shrug: If you allow pot a recreational (note I'm not saying medicinal as I understand cancer patients), then where do you stop it and you have clearly stated, any and all drugs should be legal. I disagree. :coffee:

Judging by your comments, I'm guessing you haven't yet watched the vid?


Judging by your comments, I'm guessing you haven't yet watched the vid?

I did, but I don't get your point. I dont recall he was smoking crack before "taking up serpents" ... maybe I missed something? :shrug: :lol: I saw a documentary on History channel last weekend called "Hillbillies" hosted by Billy Ray Cirus, it was pretty interesting and discussed the Petacostal and Baptist movements in the Appalachian mountains and south where they took up serpents. It was something like 300 thousand (?) churches were partaking in this practice and so many people getting bitten by snakes that the goverenment had to step in and make it illegal. Its only legal in a few states now and WV is one of them. Its down to only 3,000 churches in US doing this dangerous practice. I dont recall seeing anyone hitting a bong before hand though, so I didnt say anything to your post. :shrug: :lol: :buddies:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I did, but I don't get your point. I dont recall he was smoking crack before "taking up serpents" ... maybe I missed something? :shrug: :lol: I saw a documentary on History channel last weekend called "Hillbillies" hosted by Billy Ray Cirus, it was pretty interesting and discussed the Petacostal and Baptist movements in the Appalachian mountains and south where they took up serpents. It was something like 300 thousand (?) churches were partaking in this practice and so many people getting bitten by snakes that the goverenment had to step in and make it illegal. Its only legal in a few states now and WV is one of them. Its down to only 3,000 churches in US doing this dangerous practice. I dont recall seeing anyone hitting a bong before hand though, so I didnt say anything to your post. :shrug: :lol: :buddies:

I am suffering from tread cross contamination. :lol:

I was talking about the Milton Friedman link in the other tread but, got confused. And I was sober!