Bin Laden Offers Truce?


"We do not mind offering you a long-term truce with fair conditions that we adhere to," he said. "We are a nation that God has forbidden to lie and cheat. So both sides can enjoy security and stability under this truce so we can build Iraq and Afghanistan, which have been destroyed in this war. There is no shame in this solution, which prevents the wasting of billions of dollars that have gone to those with influence and merchants of war in America."

But apparently the jury is still out on the tape's authenticity.

Not sure how I feel about it, but any solution is suspect, that doesn't end with Bin Laden dangling by the neck 5 feet off the ground.


The delay in similar operations happening in America has not been because of failure to break through your security measures. But the operations are happening in Baghdad and you will see them here at home the minute they are through (with preparations), with God's permission," he said.

so basically he wants a truce to give his fellow bad guys time to put terrorist operations in play here in the USA.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Instead, the reason is "because there are operations that need preparations," he said.
So he wants us to consider a truce so that he and his cohorts have time to prepare for new attacks against us. Yeah, right. Who does he think he is dealing with, France? :killingme
Ken King said:
So he wants us to consider a truce so that he and his cohorts have time to prepare for new attacks against us. Yeah, right. Who does he think he is dealing with, France? :killingme
I see this as the perfect "Catch-22" setup... if we do not participate in said "truce", and of course we won't, when the next big attack occurs on U.S. soil, he has now given other countries reason to side with him as we did not accept his olive branch. It's classic.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ObL isn't famous for his honesty and trustworthiness and anyone who falls for this is a kennedy. So eff him - full speed ahead.

Why do we give a crap about ObL's missives anyway? It's been on Fox all morning long and I, personally, couldn't give a crap what that maniac has to say.


vraiblonde said:
Why do we give a crap about ObL's missives anyway? It's been on Fox all morning long and I, personally, couldn't give a crap what that maniac has to say.

Well, I find it interesting that this "peace offering", shrouded in an ambiguous, but pointed threat, came out now - just after we blew several high ranked Al Qaida officers into tiny little terror-chunks.

Why do we care? Because it's a sign of weakness. Perhaps desperation. Pro-US sentiment is very high in Afghanistan and Iraq (perhaps even higher than it is in America) and perhaps he's begining to feel the pressure...

Plus if it is authentic, that means the SOB is still alive. There was some doubt since nobody's seen hide or hair of him for well over a year.

I was wondering how long he could go without plugging in his dialysis machine.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
Why do we care? Because it's a sign of weakness. Perhaps desperation. Pro-US sentiment is very high in Afghanistan and Iraq (perhaps even higher than it is in America) and perhaps he's begining to feel the pressure...

Plus, the thing that people miss is that ObL isn't some President or leader of a nation - he's a terrorist with a loose following. Just because HE says there will be a truce doesn't mean the other terrorists have to abide by it - they can just say that ObL has gone over to the dark side. And it's not like ObL is in a position to police these people himself and force them to abide by his deals.

So his truces and deals are worthless.
vraiblonde said:
ObL isn't famous for his honesty and trustworthiness and anyone who falls for this is a kennedy. So eff him - full speed ahead.

Why do we give a crap about ObL's missives anyway? It's been on Fox all morning long and I, personally, couldn't give a crap what that maniac has to say.
I bet Ted Kennedy is behind this. Him and Osama are chillin in his place up in Massachusetts having some clam chowder and beers and planning how to get Americas guard down so they can plot a terror attack to make the Republicans look bad. Or maybe Osama realizes he is on the brink of destruction.....

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
They said on ABC's World News Tonight that it is him. And there was information quoted from a November Brit publication. It's time to step it up, OBL requesting a truce means to me that we must be getting close and he is trying to save his hide while he gets plans out to his remote cells.


New Member
What I don't understand is why is it that the news station (I cant remember how to spell it but you know what I am referring to) that receives these tapes is not forced to reveal where they received the tape from?

Also, I think if anything Bush' popularity will go up after this because NOBODY wants to side w/ OBL and say "you know what he is right" Atleast I hope not.

He cant be dead because in the tape he made references to things that happened in late 2006. I also believe that alot of the attacks that he takes credit for like in London etc. he probably had nothing to do with. I don't think there are enough of them left that could plot and plan this stuff, I could be wrong. However if he takes credit for these attacks regardless if he is to blame or not, it makes him appear like he still has power.

What exactly would be a reasonable truce in his mind? Wouldn't you just love the hear what his conditions would be? For someone so calculating he really is stupid! I hope when they find him, they are not as nice as they were with Saddam and just pick him up out of the hole. I would shoot him and proudly say that I did it! That person would be a hero!

Has anyone ever thought about the fact that if General Swarzkoff (spell?) was in control that he would have been caught by now? He would have crawled in those holes and drug him out by his beard by now!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No way...

thakidistight said:
I bet Ted Kennedy is behind this. Him and Osama are chillin in his place up in Massachusetts having some clam chowder and beers and planning how to get Americas guard down so they can plot a terror attack to make the Republicans look bad. Or maybe Osama realizes he is on the brink of destruction.....

...not even Osama hangs out with people that hate America THAT much.


Active Member
ill offer Osama a truce: when he’s staring at the business end of my M4 (conveniently with his knee caps shot out) we can begin to talk about a truce... involving him being put on trial or just disappearing with the CIA...
sinwagon said:
He cant be dead because in the tape he made references to things that happened in late 2006.

Well actually he only made references to things that dated to about 6 months ago.....True fact. He did not reference anything recent.


i heard the tape is approx a month old. if that is indeed true, then osama could be in Chad (Africa) for all we know. All the tape shows is the room and him correct?


Super Genius
dustin said:
i heard the tape is approx a month old. if that is indeed true, then osama could be in Chad (Africa) for all we know. All the tape shows is the room and him correct?
It was an audio didn't show anything.