Bio Martyrs


Lawful neutral
Bio Martyrs | Weapon of Jihad

This week I watched an episode of Joe Rogan Questions Everything about the very real possibility of biological warfare. Instead of the possibility of Smallpox being used as a mass weapon becoming smaller, it seems that many of our leaders now fear this scenario more than ever before.

Fast forwarding to today brings us even closer to the horrific events outlined in our story. Yes, we have enough vaccine to cover half of the American population, but it is all in Atlanta. It would never be distributed within the 4-day window required between exposure and it’s too late. It would not even be recognized within that time frame. The government now refers to what we called volunteers as Bio Martyrs. Bio Martyrs are willing to die to be used as a method of disseminating biological weapons to the enemy.


aka Mrs. Giant
Yeah, you and Malice convinced me to watch Joe Rogan's show. I admit it was a lot better than what I thought.

But yes, the facts that were brought up were concerning.

But the thing is, this set-up/distribution for vaccines has been the case since before Stephen King wrote The Stand in the late 1970s.

Bio Martyrs have been the wet dream of television, movies and authors for a while.

I think it's not a matter of if it happens, just when. :shrug:


aka Mrs. Giant
I actually had a hard time watching the last episode. It freaked me out a little.

Oh that's right, you hate germs period. :huggy:

Keep plastic disposable gloves with you for public encounters - public doors, restrooms, etc, and starting wearing a mask (there are some really cool ones on your japanese site that you always share). I'm talking subways, malls, doctors offices here. Your job is reasonably safe. But wipe down your phone and keyboard with clorox wipes. I keep a stash of clorox wipes if you need some. And follow the international health news.

However, I don't want you to wind up like Howard Hughes. :ohwell:

Just avoid high traffic public places and limit your exposure to sick people. :smile:


aka Mrs. Giant
Joe Rogan's show is a lot like Jessie Ventura's old show. I cant get into it.

Actually, no it's not. That's what I was afraid it was going to be like.

He presents all kinds of points of view. When things seem incredulous, he calls it out.

The giant got into his podcast from watching the tv show. Joe Rogan is very Liberterian in his views and seems to be trying to say - hey some of these things are crazy and some of these things may have a basis of truth.


Actually, no it's not. That's what I was afraid it was going to be like.

He presents all kinds of points of view. When things seem incredulous, he calls it out.

The giant got into his podcast from watching the tv show. Joe Rogan is very Liberterian in his views and seems to be trying to say - hey some of these things are crazy and some of these things may have a basis of truth.

I never really like Joe Rogan as a host, but if I get bored, I might give the show another shot.


Lawful neutral
Oh that's right, you hate germs period. :huggy:

Keep plastic disposable gloves with you for public encounters - public doors, restrooms, etc, and starting wearing a mask (there are some really cool ones on your japanese site that you always share). I'm talking subways, malls, doctors offices here. Your job is reasonably safe. But wipe down your phone and keyboard with clorox wipes. I keep a stash of clorox wipes if you need some. And follow the international health news.

However, I don't want you to wind up like Howard Hughes. :ohwell:

Just avoid high traffic public places and limit your exposure to sick people. :smile:

Seriously, except for the mask and I use a film of Germ-X that acts as a glove barrier, I do all these things. :yay:


aka Mrs. Giant
Seriously, except for the mask and I use a film of Germ-X that acts as a glove barrier, I do all these things. :yay:

I was told once by somebody to keep a vicks vapor nose stick handy at all times and use it if exposed to anybody who was sickly to kill germs that would be attempting to invade my body. I was told also that smearing menthol chapstick around my nasal cavity would work in a pinch.

I have one, but it's at the house. :lmao:

*disclaimer* I don't know how true that is. I'd hate for you to be walking around smelling like a medicine cabinet all day.


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