Governor BIPARTISANSHIP ALERT: Progress on Historic School Construction Plan


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After House of Delegates Vote, Governor Calls on Senate to Take Swift Action

—Governor Larry Hogan today released the following statement on the passage of school construction legislation by the Maryland House of Delegates:

“I want to commend members of the House of Delegates for embracing our landmark proposal to bring schools across our state into the 21st century, and for agreeing with us on the need to provide local school systems, and most importantly our students, with the healthy, efficient, heated and air conditioned, modern school buildings that they deserve. Now we need members of the Senate to take action and help us get this historic investment in our schools enacted.”


December 2018: Governor Hogan Proposes The Largest School Construction Initiative in State History.
“Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan is proposing what he says is the biggest increase in school construction in Maryland history. With Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks at his side and unionized construction workers in the audience, the governor unveiled his proposal in a visit to Highland Park Elementary School in Landover..” (Dick Uliano, “Md. Gov. Hogan proposes largest school construction funds in state history,” WTOP, 12/11/18)

April 2019: General Assembly Fails to Act on Governor Hogan’s School Construction Plan. “After a $2 billion school construction bill stalled in the Maryland Senate at the end of the 2019 legislative session, Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr. said new school buildings on the county’s wish list will be delayed at least a year.” (Libby Solomon, “New high schools to be delayed after state bill fizzles, Baltimore County executive says,” The Baltimore Sun, 4/10/19)

November 2019: Legislators Announce That They Will Finally Embrace The Governor’s School Construction Plan. “Hogan has made infrastructure a priority and last year proposed his own school construction plan, which the legislature rejected. ‘While they are a year late, we are glad that General Assembly leaders are now endorsing our historic school construction plan,’ Hogan said in a statement Wednesday.’” (Erin Cox, “Maryland leaders propose record $2.2 billion to quickly build, repair schools,” The Washington Post, 11/6/19)

December 2019: Governor Hogan Announces A Record $3.9 Billion School Construction Initiative. To build on the administration’s historic investment in education, Governor Hogan has introduced the Building Opportunity Act of 2020, which will provide $3.9 billion in school construction funding over the next five years. This is the largest school construction initiative in state history. It is expected to create more than 27,000 new jobs and fulfill every single funding request submitted by local school systems.

Learn more about Governor Hogan’s education plan.
