DNR Black Bear Hunt Concludes in Western Maryland


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145 Bears Harvested in Four Counties

Painting of black bear in the woods, by Rebecca Latham

Painting by Rebecca Latham

Favorable weather conditions helped bear hunters enjoy success during Maryland’s 16th annual black bear hunt.

Official results reported by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources show that 145 hunters harvested a bear during the five-day hunt held in Allegany, Frederick, Garrett, and Washington counties.

The largest bear taken weighed 539 pounds and was harvested in Garrett County by Carl Lee of Swanton. Other notable bears included a 529-pound bear, also taken in Garrett County, by Tyler Minnick of Grantsville, and a 422-pound bruin taken in Washington County by Robert Droneburg of Rohrersville.

“We are pleased with another successful bear hunt and view it as further evidence the department is managing the state’s black bear population sustainably and effectively,” Wildlife and Heritage Service Director Paul Peditto said. “With such an expanding and healthy bear population throughout western Maryland, this hunt is an essential management tool.”

2019 Maryland Black Bear Hunt by the Numbers:

  • 145 black bears were harvested: 31 from Allegany County, 8 from Frederick County, 95 from Garrett County, and 11 from Washington County
  • 156 pounds is the average weight of bears harvested
  • 68 percent of bears were taken on private land
  • 5,204 hunters applied for a permit
  • 800 permits were awarded
  • 1,851 hunters participated