Black River Heart


New Member
I have recently read and heard about the controversy over the Appaloosa stallion shown at the Mounted Wonderers’ shows… I would like to tell you all about him!
Black River Heart, also known as “Chance,” is only 6 years old. He was born and raised on Bristol’s Heart Farm in Waldorf. Chance got his name from his scary delivery. If not for his loving owners being there when he was delivered, he would not have survived… and so his name became “Chance” for the second chance at life that he was given.
From the start, Chance was well behaved. He was shown in hand at Mounted Wonderers’ as a colt. At the age of 2, Chance was started under saddle. Within a month of the first time being ridden, Chance was shown under saddle in the English Novice division at a Mounted Wonderer’s show. Personally, I think that is absolutely amazing! He and his trainer went on to place first in one of their circuit division that year along with a few other ribbons.
Chance has always been such a good boy. He is the type of horse that you can get on after 6 months of not riding and he is just as well behaved as the last day he was ridden. He goes English and Western, can jump, do lead changes, turn on a dime, and so many more things. He has carried people of all ages including a 3 year old! His talents are endless.
One of the most appealing things about Chance is his looks. He is all black with a white blanket on his rump and a star on his face. He has a full neck and a full head of thick hair (rare for an appy!) He is the father to four colts. One of which is being shown this year. All of his babies have the same great personality and looks!
Chance is still learning. He is scared to death of a puddle of water! And gets scared when he sees or hears something unexpected (don’t all horses?) He has never acted in anyway shown his stallion side outside of his “job” in the spring. Unless you know he is a stallion, you would not be able to tell based on his behavior. All those who know and have seen him will tell you this.
So… Before you pre-judge him based on his sex… give him a chance to prove to you how wonderful he is!
I know- I trained him to be a gentleman![/I]


New Member
I have recently read and heard about the controversy over the Appaloosa stallion shown at the Mounted Wonderers’ shows… I would like to tell you all about him!
Black River Heart, also known as “Chance,” is only 6 years old. He was born and raised on Bristol’s Heart Farm in Waldorf. Chance got his name from his scary delivery. If not for his loving owners being there when he was delivered, he would not have survived… and so his name became “Chance” for the second chance at life that he was given.
From the start, Chance was well behaved. He was shown in hand at Mounted Wonderers’ as a colt. At the age of 2, Chance was started under saddle. Within a month of the first time being ridden, Chance was shown under saddle in the English Novice division at a Mounted Wonderer’s show. Personally, I think that is absolutely amazing! He and his trainer went on to place first in one of their circuit division that year along with a few other ribbons.
Chance has always been such a good boy. He is the type of horse that you can get on after 6 months of not riding and he is just as well behaved as the last day he was ridden. He goes English and Western, can jump, do lead changes, turn on a dime, and so many more things. He has carried people of all ages including a 3 year old! His talents are endless.
One of the most appealing things about Chance is his looks. He is all black with a white blanket on his rump and a star on his face. He has a full neck and a full head of thick hair (rare for an appy!) He is the father to four colts. One of which is being shown this year. All of his babies have the same great personality and looks!
Chance is still learning. He is scared to death of a puddle of water! And gets scared when he sees or hears something unexpected (don’t all horses?) He has never acted in anyway shown his stallion side outside of his “job” in the spring. Unless you know he is a stallion, you would not be able to tell based on his behavior. All those who know and have seen him will tell you this.
So… Before you pre-judge him based on his sex… give him a chance to prove to you how wonderful he is!
I know- I trained him to be a gentleman![/I]

I have not heard anything negative or otherwise about your horse. It is nice to go to shows, and see first hand a Gentleman Stallion behaving and out performing and doing well in classes. You must be proud of him. Have you gone to the bigger breed shows with him? Those talents should be shown larger scale. Good Luck with Chance and Have a Successful year.


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
This is the first I have heard of him...

wait...just read MW thread. The person that brought him up seems to be the one that rode him -Spicober? Seems the ring steward said something pre-emptive regarding removal if he acted up. Everyone that posted here seems to like the guy and stated that he was very well behaved.
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Yeah, I've met the horse and I've ridden my stallion right along beside. I have a picture of our stallions standing next to each other. I thought I read the thread you're referring to and I didn't notice anything negative said? Is there something else you're referring to?


New Member
I hope you arent referring to my little comment. I have known this horse since he was a baby. He is a pretty cool guy. But he does have his moments. NOT because he is a stud, but because he is young and I dont care how well broke they may seem, a young horse will have its moments. I have seen him at his best, but i have probably also seen him at a couple of his not so good moments. I dont hold it against him, and have never felt he was endangering anyone including other horses or riders including his own.
When they first started standing him I though about breeding him to one of our large POA ponies. Would have done it too except they both could use a little length to their necks :(


New Member
She is the one that broke him. I think she just heard about what happened and was just venting. Same thing I did after the show- definitly not towards ANYONE on here. You guys were great, Eventer your comment wasn't negative in ANY way. I am just glad there is this forum where we as horse folks can get on and talk about something we all have in common :love:


New Member
If all the ring steward did was issue a caution, sounds like they were just doing their job. Just as they should have if a mare or gelding were acting up. You mentioned some spooking, not to say he was out of control but perhaps they were trying to be on the safe side. Appears no harm was done, you should have stayed to enjoy the rest of the show.