Blackhawk Down...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...Johnny come lately, I know, but I just saw it at my favorite theater, mine, rented it.

I had heard good things about it, done properly in terms of true to life and all.

Call me picky but if anybody carried as much ammo as they had our heroes shooting off the Blackhawks woulda been down from the get go on account of being to heavy to get off the ground.

And why does everybody insist on having the heavy duty bad guys look like they are straight out of a gangsta rap video?
The boys 'n the hood are all buff and tough in an area destitute and mal-nourished for everybody, including the bad guys. A bag of meal is not gonna make you look like Carl Weathers, I don't care how much you eat. They're bigger than the US troopers for crying out loud.

And where were the video shots of the hoods hiding behind women and children, hmmm? Most of the people killed never picked up a gun. They got shot by the troopers because that was the only way to get at the bad guys.

On the hard to take side, they seemd to get Sgts. Shuggart and Gordon right. They were the two Berets who argued repeatedly to be put on the ground, by themselves, to secure the 2nd downed chopper knowing full damn well that surviving was probably not in the cards.

They did it anyway and saved one pilot from the mob before he was captured. They ran out of time when they ran out of ammo.

On the whole, I don't know what else they could have done with this movie. I'm just bitching. This subject and why it happened, like Lebanon, will forever be a sore point with me.

The History Channel did this with the real participants if you want the truth.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I haven't seen it yet but I've heard the movie was "PC'd" to death to make it sensitive to all audiences! That in it self is enough to make me pass it up!

I'd rather catch the History channel version!


I haven't seen it yet, but it's on my "to rent" list. A friend of mine saw it, and said it was pretty difficult for him to watch, since it was very similar to what he went through in Gaza (he got out of the Israeli army around 1995 or so).


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't do very well with movies like this - too close to reality for me. The scene in Black Hawk where the Somalians are mobbing the copter was too much for me - made me want to nuke their whole friggin' country, uncivilized scumbags.


aka Mrs. Giant
I put off watching this movie for as long as I could. But I finally felt I was ready. Yes, there were scenes that were "hollywood" but on the whole it was very acccurate, very vivid, and it made me bawl my eyes out (I know darn war movies). I felt the way the movie speeded up and slowed down the action sequences was very true. You think something is taking forever when it is only a split second. They portrayed a lot of the guys (esp the col of the convoy and the cap of the rangers, a few of the other rangers were a mixture of several guys I think) very true to life - right down to their mannerisms. On a whole, of the war movies I have seen - this one was the most realistic that Hollywood has ever done. JMO