Blackwater helicopter shot down over Baghdad


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I hate to admit it, Forestal, but I'm starting to come around to thinking we should get the hell out of there.

Figure it this way:

The Iraqis are never going to pony up as long as we'll do it for them. It takes 9 weeks of basic and a few months of AIT to turn an 18 year old punk fresh out of high school into a soldier - so what seems to be the problem with the Iraqis?

I'd suggest they're not getting with the program because either they don't *want* to, or they don't have to as long as we'll do it for them. Either way, it's not beneficial for us to hang around trying to teach pigs to sing.

There are WAY more Iraqis in Iraq than there are US military personnel - what do they need us for?


"Typical White Person"
chernmax said:
LOL, What exactly is a Blackwater helicopter... :wench:

Blackwater is largest civilan security contractor in Iraq.

Almost 100% of their employees are former military guys and most have been in combat, alot of special forces guys get on with them after their military time is up.

Like I said they are into everything over there, including aviation.

ETA- new video link up
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vraiblonde said:
I hate to admit it, Forestal, but I'm starting to come around to thinking we should get the hell out of there.

Figure it this way:

The Iraqis are never going to pony up as long as we'll do it for them. It takes 9 weeks of basic and a few months of AIT to turn an 18 year old punk fresh out of high school into a soldier - so what seems to be the problem with the Iraqis?

I'd suggest they're not getting with the program because either they don't *want* to, or they don't have to as long as we'll do it for them. Either way, it's not beneficial for us to hang around trying to teach pigs to sing.

There are WAY more Iraqis in Iraq than there are US military personnel - what do they need us for?
Not a bad theory until Iran and Syria move in and take over and destabilize the entire region as the tribes start warring wholesale. They strong arm Kuwait and Saudi because both will now know we don't have the guts to come help again and we get squeezed out of an oil supply. China and the Russians both need oil they can get and we will have to buy from them or some other middle man. $8 a gallon doesn't sound very good to me. Our economy crashes, terrorists chant in the street because they know now the Great Satan doesn't have the stomach to turn them back. They keep getting more and more bold and pretty soon we are reading about car bombs going off at the Mall of America in Minnesota.


NOT Politically Correct!!
AK-74me said:
Blackwater is largest civilan security contractor in Iraq.

Almost 100% of their employees are former military guys and most have been in combat, alot of special forces guys get on with them after their military time is up.

Like I said they are into everything over there, including aviation.


ETA- hotlink not working for some reason.

OK retract, I thought he was calling the Helicopter type a Blackwater verse a Black Hawk... :coffee:


New Member
Pete said:
Not a bad theory until Iran and Syria move in and take over and destabilize the entire region as the tribes start warring wholesale. They strong arm Kuwait and Saudi because both will now know we don't have the guts to come help again and we get squeezed out of an oil supply. China and the Russians both need oil they can get and we will have to buy from them or some other middle man. $8 a gallon doesn't sound very good to me. Our economy crashes, terrorists chant in the street because they know now the Great Satan doesn't have the stomach to turn them back. They keep getting more and more bold and pretty soon we are reading about car bombs going off at the Mall of America in Minnesota.

Russia is the worlds largest oil producer, they have no need of any more oil, but they would love some more turmoil to keep prices high, they are loving finally having some money coming in. China on the other hand would love lower oil prices to keep its economy going at full speed.


I'm the Boss of Me
Sure. The Iraqis must be thinking "what the hell are the dumbashes still doing here???" They certainly can't grasp the concept that we are trying to show them a better way of living. Why should they stick there necks out if we'll do it for them???

vraiblonde said:
I hate to admit it, Forestal, but I'm starting to come around to thinking we should get the hell out of there.

Figure it this way:

The Iraqis are never going to pony up as long as we'll do it for them. It takes 9 weeks of basic and a few months of AIT to turn an 18 year old punk fresh out of high school into a soldier - so what seems to be the problem with the Iraqis?

I'd suggest they're not getting with the program because either they don't *want* to, or they don't have to as long as we'll do it for them. Either way, it's not beneficial for us to hang around trying to teach pigs to sing.

There are WAY more Iraqis in Iraq than there are US military personnel - what do they need us for?


I'm the Boss of Me
Regulary military hates these contractors for the amount of money they are making, but's its very lucrative if you're a soldier-of-fortune type of guy, and can get back home in one piece.

AK-74me said:
Blackwater is largest civilan security contractor in Iraq.

Almost 100% of their employees are former military guys and most have been in combat, alot of special forces guys get on with them after their military time is up.

Like I said they are into everything over there, including aviation.

ETA- new video link up


I'm the Boss of Me
WTF? You can't have been following the Iraq situation very closely if this is the first time you've heard of Blackwater Security??

chernmax said:
OK retract, I thought he was calling the Helicopter type a Blackwater verse a Black Hawk... :coffee:


NOT Politically Correct!!
forestal said:
WTF? You can't have been following the Iraq situation very closely if this is the first time you've heard of Blackwater Security??

Following, I served 5 tours in the region you fuken dink!!! :wench:


forestal said:
Regulary military hates these contractors for the amount of money they are making, but's its very lucrative if you're a soldier-of-fortune type of guy, and can get back home in one piece.
did a soldier tell you they hate contractors?