Blanche defends Snydie


Redskin Coach Comes to Dan Snyder's Defence

Greg Blache is fed up with criticism of Dan Snyder.

The Washington Redskins defensive coordinator broke his media silence Thursday to launch a vigorous defense of the team owner, saying "Enough's enough."

Blache said he was moved to speak after reading comments made by Hall of Fame running back John Riggins. In an interview on Showtime's "Inside the NFL," Riggins said Snyder is a "bad guy" and that the owner's "heart is dark."

Blache described Snyder as "one of the most generous, kind individuals you could ever meet" and that people outside of the organization don't get a chance to know the owner. Blache declined to take questions.

Snydie is generous alright. Paying gross salaries for half-a$$ed play. What is this guy seeing that no one else is; except that he wants to keep his job?


New Member
I think a lot of people are missing Blache's point. I don't believe Snyder is a "dark-hearted" evil man. I think he's a business man and micro manager (when I heard that he has weekly sit-downs with Vinny and Zorn to go over the upcoming game I was like :rolleyes: ). I think Blache is just saying "say what you want about his business practices etc. but these comments are personal" and he thinks Riggins is wrong.

I'm no fan of Snyderratto by even the slightest stretch, but let us not forget that Riggins has a personal ax to grind with Snyder because they canceled his crappy radio show.
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My Sweetest Boy
I'm no fan of Snyderratto by even the slightest stretch, but let us not forget that Riggins has a personal ax to grind with Snyder because they canceled his crappy radio show.

He canceled Riggins' show (and has axed anyone in the media) for speaking their mind when it comes to the Skins. Riggins cares more about the Skins fans than Snyder ever will.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm no fan of Snyderratto by even the slightest stretch, but let us not forget that Riggins has a personal ax to grind with Snyder because they canceled his crappy radio show.

Yeah, well, Riggo has had personal dealings with the man so, he does come from that view, not just some "I heard this..." Add in the firing of Herzog. Add to that the Silencing of the Zabe for being too critical.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think a lot of people are missing Blache's point. I don't believe Snyder is a "dark-hearted" evil man. I think he's a business man and micro manager (when I heard that he has weekly sit-downs with Vinny and Zorn to go over the upcoming game I was like :rolleyes: ). I think Blache is just saying "say what you want about his business practices etc. but these comments are personal" and he thinks Riggins is wrong.

I'm no fan of Snyderratto by even the slightest stretch, but let us not forget that Riggins has a personal ax to grind with Snyder because they canceled his crappy radio show.

And, by the same token, a real good defense that got big help in the offseason that should have been hyper good has been merely good against the dregs of the league and an offense that was weak on the o line and at WR last year and got NO help this offseason is pretty much it's same old, same old.

Point being Blache has, somehow, gotten NO criticism, at all this season. I've thought that interesting from the get go. So, if Riggo has an axe, Blache has the anti axe, so to speak, a free pass. :lol:


New Member
Yeah, well, Riggo has had personal dealings with the man so, he does come from that view, not just some "I heard this..." Add in the firing of Herzog. Add to that the Silencing of the Zabe for being too critical.
Herzog wasn't very good anyway. Although he was light years better than Larry Michael the Human Propoganda machine!