You’d be right to ask why rioting over George Floyd somehow accords one special rights, but apparently, in Seattle, it was assumed because they’re such wonderful citizens and looters. KING 5 reports that the late-night freeway blockers “reportedly felt a sense of security from law enforcement” because the “WSP and the Seattle Police Department met with protest leaders” and they “were assured” that the cops would envelop them in safety and “protect them from harm.”
But, whoops. According to the anti-cop protesters, “WSP and SPD didn’t adequately block off roads or on- and off-ramps and didn’t provide lights or signage around the protesters to warn drivers of their presence.” Police did block off on-ramps and off-ramps that night, but a crazed driver was able to access the freeway by driving up an exit ramp and hit Love and another protester, Summer Taylor, who was killed.
The black man driving that car into the BLM protest, Dawit Kelete, is charged in the incident and stands for a competency hearing in July.
At a news conference, a spokeswoman for the protesters said “this lawsuit was brought on behalf of peaceful protesters. Their peaceful protests were met with the very thing that they are protesting against. They were met by excessive force from the police.”
It’s unclear what is meant by “excessive force,” but they do blame the cops for failing to protect them against foreseeable harm in their 100-page lawsuit. Oddly, protesters didn’t themselves acknowledge that blocking the busy downtown portion of Interstate 5 through Seattle had a foreseeable result: getting hit by a car.
But, whoops. According to the anti-cop protesters, “WSP and SPD didn’t adequately block off roads or on- and off-ramps and didn’t provide lights or signage around the protesters to warn drivers of their presence.” Police did block off on-ramps and off-ramps that night, but a crazed driver was able to access the freeway by driving up an exit ramp and hit Love and another protester, Summer Taylor, who was killed.
The black man driving that car into the BLM protest, Dawit Kelete, is charged in the incident and stands for a competency hearing in July.
At a news conference, a spokeswoman for the protesters said “this lawsuit was brought on behalf of peaceful protesters. Their peaceful protests were met with the very thing that they are protesting against. They were met by excessive force from the police.”
It’s unclear what is meant by “excessive force,” but they do blame the cops for failing to protect them against foreseeable harm in their 100-page lawsuit. Oddly, protesters didn’t themselves acknowledge that blocking the busy downtown portion of Interstate 5 through Seattle had a foreseeable result: getting hit by a car.