Blood in the toilet


Throwing the deuces
Somebody I know just called to say that when he went to wipe himself after taking a poo, the water in the toilet looked like cherry Kool-aid. I called my mom because she seems to have had every medical problem known to man and she said it's the first sign of cancer, mainly prostate cancer. I take this with a grain of salt as my mom is known to think the worst ie saying she has a brain tumor because she has a headache.

I told him to go to the doctors ASAP (he says he feels fine) but was wondering if anyone might have any ideas of possible reasons for this. I probably won't hear back from him until tonight.


Somebody I know just called to say that when he went to wipe himself after taking a poo, the water in the toilet looked like cherry Kool-aid. I called my mom because she seems to have had every medical problem known to man and she said it's the first sign of cancer, mainly prostate cancer. I take this with a grain of salt as my mom is known to think the worst ie saying she has a brain tumor because she has a headache.

I told him to go to the doctors ASAP (he says he feels fine) but was wondering if anyone might have any ideas of possible reasons for this. I probably won't hear back from him until tonight.

I have had this issue recently even with soft poo. Only a colonoscopy will find the true cause. More often than not, it will be a hemorrhoid. It could also be a polyp in the large intestine. I ended up having both hemorrhoids and a polyp (benign).

Cherry Kool Aid color is good - that means the issue is in the end of the colon. If the blood had been a dark red (chimney red), then the issue is farther up in the colon as the colon would have time to digest some of the minerals from the blood.

Have your friend make an appointment with the doc. A colonoscopy is easy and only takes an hour or so (maybe 2 after accounting for recovery time from the anesthetic).


New Member
Seeing the red was my first symptom …diagnosis of ulcerative colitis 10 years ago.

….. He should go see his doc.


Throwing the deuces
I have had this issue recently even with soft poo. Only a colonoscopy will find the true cause. More often than not, it will be a hemorrhoid. It could also be a polyp in the large intestine. I ended up having both hemorrhoids and a polyp (benign).

Cherry Kool Aid color is good - that means the issue is in the end of the colon. If the blood had been a dark red (chimney red), then the issue is farther up in the colon as the colon would have time to digest some of the minerals from the blood.

Have your friend make an appointment with the doc. A colonoscopy is easy and only takes an hour or so (maybe 2 after accounting for recovery time from the anesthetic).

I believe he had one fairly recently but I suppose hemmorrhoids can happen fairly quickly. I hope he finds out what is wrong.


New Member
Seeing the red was my first symptom …diagnosis of ulcerative colitis 10 years ago.

….. He should go see his doc.

Mine too but I had Crohn's... Go see a doctor right away especially if he/she is not young...

(I say especially if he/she is not young since most maintainable dieseases are diagnosed when young ie Crohn's, diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, IBS etc.)


I wanna be a SMIB
My 47 yr old cousin had the same thing happen, went to docotr and found out he has colon cancer. Get it checked


Throwing the deuces
He decided to self-diagnose himself and now thinks it's just hemmorroids because there wasn't a reoccurance. I told him to see a doctor anyways and he said he'll wait it out. If it continues, then he'll go. I just hope his life insurance is paid up so his family won't be hurting because of his stupidity.

I asked him why he called me up in a panic this morning if he wasn't even going to take my advice. His response... "Well, I thought you'd know about stuff like that." WTH???