Blood Type Determines Personality?

Is your personality in your blood?

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Throwing the deuces
Does a person's blood type tell what kind of person they will be? I am O+ and I think I have a very positive out-look on life. My husband is O- and is a VERY negative person. Kid #1 is O+ but has a negative personality. Kid #2 is O- but has an extremely positive personality. What about you? (wait for the poll)

White Buddah

O- here. I would have to say that I have a more negative outlook than positive. I'm still happy go lucky go with the flow kinda guy, but overall negative.


At first glance, I think this is nuts!
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Throwing the deuces
Yup, this is a little stupid, but maybe I think that because I'm O negative. :roflmao:

Maybe but I got tired of trying to find a thread yesterday that was interesting and not all drama fighting. I was just curious about this but I guess I'm the only one. :shrug:


New Member
I have type A blood and a type A personality...coincidence? :razz:

Does a person's blood type tell what kind of person they will be? I am O+ and I think I have a very positive out-look on life. My husband is O- and is a VERY negative person. Kid #1 is O+ but has a negative personality. Kid #2 is O- but has an extremely positive personality. What about you? (wait for the poll)


New Member
A- and I tend to be pretty negative. I expect the worse and hope for the best. I don't like to be disappointed.


We have something in common then.

AB+ is the "universal reciever" like O- is "universal donor". In other words, no worries about hospitals having the right blood on hand if you need it.

This should make several forumites quake in their boots.......:lol: