Bloodbath at Pinehurst...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...come on, who DIDN'T enjoy that?

I'm a Tiger fan but golf, once again, alone among sports, leaves me happy with the winner because he was the best man when it counted most.

Cambell. Woulda love to have $100 on that last Wednesday!


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...come on, who DIDN'T enjoy that?

I'm a Tiger fan but golf, once again, alone among sports, leaves me happy with the winner because he was the best man when it counted most.

Cambell. Woulda love to have $100 on that last Wednesday!

Enjoyed it, I wish every tourney was like the Open. On Tiger, I agree with Johnny Millers assessment that he played too conservatively until the last day. Maybe he's gotten old, but he's playing scared(to a certain extent) rather than going for it like he used to. The old Tiger used to attack a course, now he seems to want to finesse them. Either way, he's still the best golfer out there, regardless of what the standings say.

Looking forward to seeing Annika crush the field this weekend(hopefully).


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
...come on, who DIDN'T enjoy that?

I'm a Tiger fan but golf, once again, alone among sports, leaves me happy with the winner because he was the best man when it counted most.

Cambell. Woulda love to have $100 on that last Wednesday!
Greatest thing about the US Open...

It is in fact open to anyone, if you can qualify.

Great to see M. Cambell re-ignite his carrer! As far as the carnage on the Golf Course, it was just that carnage!

Always been said of the US Open, regardless of the venue. Shoot even par, you have a great chance to win it!

Tip of the cap to Mr. Cambell :cheers: