Blue/gray eyes


New Member
My son was born with blue/ gray eyes. The white part of his eye is that color. My daughter eyes are turning that color now also. Does anyone else have this. my doctor said its nothing. But i have read different.


New Member
Girl, get those kids to an eye Dr. and quick. If your "mother's sense" says something is wrong, believe it!!!


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
My son was born with blue/ gray eyes. The white part of his eye is that color. My daughter eyes are turning that color now also. Does anyone else have this. my doctor said its nothing. But i have read different.

Expand your knowledge by continuing to read. Read reliable sources - NIH sites, Hopkins, (pediatrics) etc.., then make an appointment with a different well-referred physician and get a second opinion.


Active Member
talked to a friend who is an eye doctor and he said that certain systemic dieases in the body will cause a thinning of the white part of the eye. I'd go see an opthomologist. Hope this helps.


Lem Putt
Understanding Genetics: Human Health and the Genome

For example, some medications, like steroids, can produce blue sclera. Not having enough iron in your blood (anemia) and aging have also been shown to give a blue tint to the whites of the eye.

While most cases of sclera discoloration are benign, they can sometimes be a sign of something more serious like Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Russell Silver Syndrome, Pyknodysostosis, Hallermann- Schermann-Streiff syndrome and Marfan Syndrome.

It is important to note that all of these diseases are extremely rare and have other obvious symptoms as well. Anyone with a blue sclera may want to see an ophthalmologist to rule out these possibilities.