Funding approved for DNR’s Program Open Space Local and Local Parks and Playgrounds Infrastructure Program

Program Open Space – Local provides funding for county and municipal governments for the planning, acquisition, and development of recreational land or facilities. Maryland DNR photo.
The Board of Public Works today approved Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ items totaling $5.4 million in grants to local governments to acquire land and improve parks.
Nearly $5.4 million in Program Open Space – Local was approved for six projects, including the acquisition of 77 acres for a new park in Howard County that features the historic 1818 Manor House at Longwood, along with public gardens, for interpretive and educational benefit.
Also approved were funds to purchase and install LED bulbs and associated electrical upgrades at Chancellors Run Regional Park in St. Mary’s County.
Program Open Space – Local provides funding for county and municipal governments for the planning, acquisition, and development of recreational land or facilities.
For Worcester County, $9,100 was approved from the Local Parks and Playgrounds Infrastructure Program for new bleachers and an athletic field at the Northern Worcester Athletic Complex.
The Local Parks and Playgrounds Infrastructure Program was funded in FY 2022 and FY 2023 to provide grant funds primarily to local governments for park and recreation projects.
All projects funded are listed in the Board of Public Works February 12, 2025 meeting agenda. The three-member Board of Public Works is composed of Governor Wes Moore, Treasurer Dereck E. Davis and Comptroller Brooke E. Lierman.
News on grants approved for Program Open Space Local, Local Parks and Playgrounds Infrastructure, Rural Legacy, and Conservation Reserve Enhancement Permanent Easement programs are available on the Land News page of the DNR website.
Established under the Department of Natural Resources in 1969, Program Open Space (divided into Local and Stateside programs), along with other state land conservation programs, symbolizes Maryland’s long-term commitment to conserving our natural resources while providing exceptional outdoor recreation opportunities for all citizens.