Boarders, tell me about your boarding facility


New Member
Where do you board?
How often are you there?
What do you like about it?
What don't you like about it?
What type of turnout and stall arrangements do they have?
What type of riding area is provided?


Ahhhh Florida!
I board at Batton Bay Farm. I pay about $240/mo total for 3 horses. They have access to hay, grass and shelter year around 24/7. My horses get fly sprayed daily and sprayed off with a hose daily in the summer time. I have access to thousands of acres of trails. I have a full time trainer that lives on sight. I have access to a full set of jumps and a round pen. It is only 9 miles to schooling and rated shows. Those are the good points.:yahoo:

The bad... It needs major renovations and new fencing. It is 3 miles down a dirt road. I have to feed myself. Board is very expensive if I actually factor in the mortgage and not just the feed and hay. I don't have to deal with other boarders because we don't have the room or want the expectations. :killingme

Spellbound - no one up there is going to give you the dirt on their place until they leave I would think.


New Member
haha i like your description of your boarding facility sadie! its got a lot of perks! (thanks to you, that is).

i board at two places - cremona farm which is great. field board or stall board. large fields with turnout buddies, lots of grass, lots of trails, grass dressage arena, larger grass jumping area, but its not fenced. its a mile down a gravel road, far from traffic. but most of the time, no one is out there.
The other place is private, shared self care.


Get some!
I have one boarder, not sure I count as a boarding facility. Avapie will have to give you the dirt but I think she is happy, she is leaving her horse in my care while she is going to be far, far away for a year!! Full care is reasonable, turnout in the day in early summer, night time in the hotter months. Shelter full time in case of bad weather. Good feed, purina ultium or strategy. Fresh water all the time, fully bedded stall with plenty of sawdust. Nice fencing, Centaur brand. Good hay. All the important stuff like worming and farrier is taken care of. Blanketing in winter. Fly sheets in summer.

The bad. I have no indoor ring, I am the staff, the groomer, poo picker, excersise rider, and second mom. I treat my boarders the way I want my horse treated. No skimping. Why all the questions though Spellbound?? Whatcha up to??


Podunk FL
Where do you board?

I board at a private facility that only has a couple of boarders.

How often are you there?

I am there 4 or 5x a week for an hour or so.

What do you like about it?

The part that I like the most is that they take excellent care of my horse and he is extremelty happy. The facility isn't the fanciest but the horse is relaxed and happy. WHICH means more to me than any fancy things.

What don't you like about it?

No indoor or lights for outdoor.

What type of turnout and stall arrangements do they have?

Stalled during the day when summer, and out at night. Grass and as much hay as he can eat. Turnout is with another gelding.

What type of riding area is provided?

Outdoor ring, and jumping field. Cross country jumps are being built.


New Member
Where do you board?
Small, private facility off of rt 6.

How often are you there?
4x a week. Usually once for a 15 minute groom then I ride for an hour about 3x a week.

What do you like about it?
No drama, very low key, lots and lots of land to ride on. I got the last stall and all of the other boarders have been there for 4-9 years, so we all are very close. Indoor arena. Plenty of grass. The horse is the happiest he's ever been. Both barns just got painted, so everything looks nice and clean. :D

What don't you like about it?
It needs some repairs to the fencing and there are a few leaks in the roof of the indoor. And someone just put a stupid mini windmill right by the barn and my horse spooks at it every time we walk by. -_-;

What type of turnout and stall arrangements do they have?
My horse and his pasture mate have their own barn at the bottom of the hill. They are on 24 hour turn out with the option to go in their stalls as they please. Because my boy is getting a little chunky, I've been putting him in his stall for a few hours a day but he recently started getting "stall anxiety" and rubbing his nose-fur off, so I don't think that'll be an option anymore.

What type of riding area is provided? Indoor, outdoor, and a trail. Plus the rest of the property when they're not growing hay/crops.
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New Member
I have one boarder as well. I think she'd tell you all is good, horses are happy and loved as my own (the kids love all over them too and bring lots of treats). We have a low-key atmosphere down by the river and she's treated as family; always welcomed and occasionally greeted with a glass of wine (hubbie enjoys making it). Someone is always at home and I am neurotic about keeping tabs on the horses. First thing I do each morning is get up to see where everyone is. I keep her updated several times/week on her horses (if she hasn't been out). I spray daily, groom, wash horses on the really hot days, fill water buckets daily (sometimes more if it's really hot- who wants to drink warm water, right?). I've got horses on 24-hr turnout with access to the barn and run-in shed. I turn on fans in the barn for the hot parts of the day and the horses "put themselves up" for those noon-time hours. Depending on the bugs at night, I have had to put the horses in with the fans on. There's a separate 3/4 fenced area (~1-2 acres) for riding and there are places to ride around the property and also nearby.

The bad: There's a couple of leaks in the tack room, need to replace some fencing, and it's just us- me, the 2 kids, & hubbie. Like FrmGrl, we are the gardeners, the farm/stall hands, and wife/husband/mom/dad. We don't have an indoor either. The stalls also aren't as large as I'd like but we didn't build them and I'm living with it for now and keeping horses on longer turnout and leaving all windows open on the occasions they need to be stalled.


New Member

Where do you board? i board at veritas farm in laplata
How often are you there?im there 5 days out of the week
What do you like about it? i like that the owner is very laid back. she really doesnt care but she does ya know? shes awsum...i also like that we have a nice big arena to ride in...and that if we have some where to go we dont have to tell her...and that we are getting an indoor very very soon...and that we have jumps cavaletties barrels i just like the variety
What don't you like about it? i dont like that we dont have any trails to ride on....and...i think thats it
What type of turnout and stall arrangements do they have? my horse goes out with the mares cause shes a mare lol in the winter they go out during the day with blankets...and in the summer when its really hot they stay in during the day with fans and out during the night when its not hot out
What type of riding area is provided?
all weather sand nice big arena

i pay 350 a month...and i think its worth every penny!!!!


I have my four horses and two donkeys (2 stallions, 2 mares, and 2 jennys) boarded at a private barn (haha) in Huntingtown. All horses are on option 24/7/365 turnout, they can go inside if they want. All have heated water in the winter and free choice hay. Two horses get air conditioned stalls in the summer.

Con = no ring for riding, I have to do all the work myself, it's a bit "downhill" and gets muddy with constant rain :(


New Member
Where do you board? Wood Berry Farm

How often are you there? Every day

What do you like about it? Thats the barn is well taken care of so are the horses

What don't you like about it? Nothing

What type of turnout and stall arrangements do they have? The do turnout during the night in during the day

What type of riding area is provided? Indoor/Outdoor Tuns of jumps

I love the place i board Bella at, Very nice people