BodyFlex or Shapely Secrets


New Member
Is anyone out there using either of these? I am interested in who is getting good results and some tips on how to improve results. Looking for some exercise support for myself or anyone else that might be remotely interested.


New Member
Dont waste your money. Greer Childers, the big eared hag who sells the stuff, is a hack. Don't even make the call. It keeps you on the phone for a good 20 minutes and makes you listen to Ad after Ad for other stuff she wants to sell you. Ok, lift your face up a bit, now jut your chin out, with your mouth open, act like youre chewing. Keep your chin jutted foward tho. This is one of the body flex exercises. do that 8 times and blow alll your air out as hard as you can. Now suck all the air in as hard as you can thru your nose. There you did another excercise from Body Flex. Its so stupid and makes you feel like youre going to pass out from holding your breath.