It’s jaw-dropping stuff. In the span of two minutes, Boebert was able to capture what tens of millions of Americans think and feel right now. We hear Democrats push for limitless abortion and then pretend to care that kids were gunned down? Each is a tragedy, but the scales are not even comparable; nineteen kids to 60 million?
And we’re supposed to take them seriously?
Then of course there is the Hunter Biden angle, which is so obviously corrupt that it cements the idea we live in a two-tiered society. There are the self-styled elites and the rest of us. Nothing better points this out than the comparison to Donald Trump, Jr. They entirely lied about Russian collusion for four years and look how big of a story THAT was. It is safe to say the same scenario, applied to Trump rather than Biden, would result in utter insanity.
Watch: Lauren Boebert TORCHES Dems Over Gun Control, Delivers Best Speech Of Entire Career - The Blue State Conservative
Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert delivered a passionate, fiery, and spot-on assessment of the Democrats' pure hypocrisy around gun control.