Bogart, this one's for you!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Because I know how much you love to read about little Mommies and their bizarre children:

Normally, a fight between two children over a pacifier might be resolved by their mothers. But in Pawtucket, the police had to step in. It all started Monday afternoon, when a 6-year-old boy dropped a pacifier.

Another 6-year-old boy picked it up and refused to give it back, allegedly prompting the first child to deliver a punch. Police said the boy with the pacifier then punched back.

Pawtucket Police Detective Donti Rosciti said one of the mothers called police, saying she wanted the fist fight documented because her son had three minor scratches on his face, and she didn't want his school accusing her of abuse.

:killingme :baby:


curiouser and curiouser
What is a 6 year old doing with a pacifier? If nothing else convinces a parent that they're too old for it, the fact that they can throw punches should be the clincher. :lol:


Sigh...this is sad... But I feel we must bring gagirl into the world of the enlightened. I somehow feel a need to care for her.

(And by the way, MOST people have never heard the true limerick, just the entree.)

There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose d*** was so long he could suck it
He said with a grin
As he wiped off his chin
If my ear was a c*** I could f*** it!

Bonus to Bogart, a double bonus to Vrai, and I owe Nickel a Mai-Tai.

(And if she's six inches above me... "We'll need a bigger boat.")
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And for Vrai...

Pawtucket is a Northern suburb of Providence, RI, probably the most dangerous area of an improbably dangerous city in the most charming little Yankee state you would ever want to visit. (The words dangerous, dangerous and Yankee should cross that off anyone's visit list.)

Distance between Providence and Newport airports is 15 miles. Distance between the binky-bashing in Pawtucket and the Kennedy estate on the south side of Newport is approximately 22 miles. (Not to be confused with the Kennedy compound in Massachussetts. When you care for the poor as much as the Kennedy's do, you can afford to have an estate in RI AND a compound in MA.)

Back in the early 90's you could go to the harbor in Newport and get a 2 pound lobster stuffed with scallops for a mere $45. Don't know what they are asking for Newport...or Pawtucket. But no s***, Newport and the rest of the world are light-years away from each other.

Also... Where is the conversation about the racism between the African-American, the Anglos, and the Portuguese in Rhode Island? Oh, yeah, I forgot... They just get along.

The fact that the Kennedy clan still tries to talk like the working class...while just one of their homes would span the entire Wal-Mart property and include thousands of feet of shoreline...and still talk racist BS, where everyone around them gets along just fine... That's for Vrai to expand upon!

Meanwhile, mommas are calling the po-po because kids are fighting over dummies.
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