Bolton Nomination

What should Bush do?

  • Recess Nomination

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Withdraw the nomination

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Provide the requested info to the Democrats

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
Bush Faces Decision on Bolton Nomination

So what do you think? Should Bush do a recess appointment while the Senate is not in session?
I like what Fred Grandy said on the radio this morning - recess nomination. Bush should basically be telling the Democrats - hey - you wanna screw with me? I'll screw with you. Wait till you see who I put up for Supreme Court during the NEXT recess!

The Dem's whole approach is, we can't win this via the democratic process - so we'll block the vote instead. We'll delay and claim, we're not on a fishing expedition for dirt on Bolton (does *ANYONE* doubt how Dodd intends to vote, no matter WHAT info turns up?).

I think Bush ought to send them a message - fine, you morons. Mess with me, I'll mess with you. Works both ways.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This isn't about Bush...'s about Senate Democrats.

They have now made it OK to protest and raise hell over EVERY nominee a President sends to them, no matter what job is being filled, no matter how trivial the objections; Bolton is hard on people. Egads.

Dean has set the tone; his supporters want FIGHT, over everything. He has NOT been canned for his opinions of late. On the contrary, he seems stronger than ever.

Senate Democrats can read the tea leaves; there is HUGE support for Dean and his jihad which means $ and support for them if they fight, no money, no support if they don't.

They see Bush as a lame duck and their job is to hold out until he's gone or at least waste as much of the time he has left as possible.

Then, either a few more Democrats will be sent packing by constituents who've had enough, or they'll get re-elected meaning they're doing what their states want.


I think he should give them the information they want. Then they will have to vote. I think that putting Bolton in during recess will just reduce his ability to do the job at the UN. Bush should save the fight for a Supreme Court nominee.


I'm not sure. I watched some of the hearings and it appeared they had already provided information to the Democrats. Then during the hearing the Democrats started asking for more information, time to review, etc! I would say they should let it go to the floor for a vote. It seems that they've had plenty of time to review the information and question this dude. I don't have enough information to know. Reading/seeing articles in the paper & on TV doesn't provide enough insight into the situation to make a call so I'm not going to vote.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
alex said:
I think he should give them the information they want. Then they will have to vote.
No they won't. They'll just think of something else they "need" in order to do their friggin' jobs.

I don't know a lot about Bolton - haven't been paying much attention. But if the Democrats are screaming their heads off over him, I'm all for him. That's kind of the way I do when I don't have a lot of time to check things out - look at who the nutties hate and support them, or look at who the nutties love and oppose them.

I don't like to be aligned with nutties.


ylexot said:
:confused: Keeps coming back? He has never come back. You just need to stop listening to oldies stations.

Didn't he used to be with a heavy metal rock band, went into the sidelines and then back in pop mainstream in the late 80s :shrug:


New Member
Like I've said before I think that delaying the confirmation vote of Bolton by Senate Democrats (and Republican George Voinovich) is absolute crap (though I think that his nomination should be denied). In Bush's position, I'm not sure what he should do because there are advantages and disadvantages to the options presented. A recess appointment would place Bolton in the position that he wants him in and would be an executive middle finger in the face of Democrats, but Bolton would only have his position for a couple months and such a recess appointment would probably cause Democrats to commit themselves more to his blockage. Withdrawing Bolton's name would allow progress to be made on the matter (good for country), but would make Bush look bad politically (bad for Republicans).

I think he should withdraw and nominate another candidate so that he can at least have someone in there that he wants rather than leave the position unfilled. That may be the president's only recourse since Senate Democrats are indeed far too willing to use their filibuster power.


New Member
Forgot about the info matter...that would most likely be the easiest action to take, but it seems to me that that will not resolve the issue. It is indeed a fishing expedition by Dodd and Biden and I don't think that the executive should give into that especially since several Senators have already seen the memos in question.


Super Genius
rraley said:
but Bolton would only have his position for a couple months
He'd have the position until early 2007 (according to the article)...a bit more than a couple months.


New Member
ylexot said:
He'd have the position until early 2007 (according to the article)...a bit more than a couple months.

You can't be was my understanding that a recess appointment only lasts as long as the Senate is in recess.


I think Bush should write a check for the UN's annual "dues" from the US, i.e., 75% of their annual operating budget, and give the check to Bolton to hold. Then he can tell the Dems that the UN will get their money when Bolton becomes the ambassador.


New Member
Hmmm I suppose that recess appointments last through a session of Congress and come back up when the newly elected Congress that case, I think that that is Bush's best option.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
rraley said:
You can't be was my understanding that a recess appointment only lasts as long as the Senate is in recess.
No, it lasts as long as the current Congress is in office - which is until January 2007, when the next ones get sworn in. So Bolton would be there for a year and a half.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Then he can tell the Dems that the UN will get their money when Bolton becomes the ambassador.
This actually works well with my children - I think you should email this idea to Bush. :yay:


New Member
dems4me said:
Didn't he used to be with a heavy metal rock band, went into the sidelines and then back in pop mainstream in the late 80s :shrug:
Yea, he was lead singer with Motley Crue when Vince Neal got fat..... :killingme