This isn't about Bush...'s about Senate Democrats.
They have now made it OK to protest and raise hell over EVERY nominee a President sends to them, no matter what job is being filled, no matter how trivial the objections; Bolton is hard on people. Egads.
Dean has set the tone; his supporters want FIGHT, over everything. He has NOT been canned for his opinions of late. On the contrary, he seems stronger than ever.
Senate Democrats can read the tea leaves; there is HUGE support for Dean and his jihad which means $ and support for them if they fight, no money, no support if they don't.
They see Bush as a lame duck and their job is to hold out until he's gone or at least waste as much of the time he has left as possible.
Then, either a few more Democrats will be sent packing by constituents who've had enough, or they'll get re-elected meaning they're doing what their states want.