I'm thoroughly fed up with all this.
I have always had the live and let live, respect how you live, never insult and so forth - I myself am strange enough that I get it.
But this whole change all the words in the language because some overly sensitive nitwit insists that it offends them - well get used to it, or you may change my mind about live and let live or respect, and I might start using words that will do more than just offend your delicate sensibilities.
The other day I saw this bit in a Lutheran church where they completely butchered the Creed to include massive amounts of trans politically correct language as to make it meaningless.
The PURPOSE of the creed - or creeds, when they were formed was to address specific religious disagreements. EACH line in the Nicene Creed - however innocuous you may think it is NOW, was written specifically to address heresies that said things like, Jesus wasn't God - or God just made him - or he never pre-existed before Bethlehem - or he wasn't really born an actual man but was more like a spirit - he never actually died - he never rose from the dead - etc. etc. etc.
It isn't and never was, a perfunctory prayer that we just repeat - it says THIS is what we believe. Now some church has decided to replace it with a "Sparkle" Creed. Ridiculous.