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Thanks. We officially have a generator after losing power for DAYS last year. I'm a native Floridian, so fortunately I am familiar with the drill. But it doesn't hurt to have the links handy!

I think the "predictions" are silly. Last year, they were very wrong. But I appreciate that they warn of an "active" season just to keep people paying attention.


New Member hit with nor-easters up in Maine, and have experienced a few hurricanes...good to have stuff ready..just in case..and a case is good to have too!! :yay:


New Member
rack'm said:
Should I stock up on milk. bread and TP now??

Yup..and you can sell the TP when the storm hits!!!
Good planning and you can make a tidy profit!! $$$$$
And with a big can freeze milk and bread.. Wife used to do that..
Buy low, sell high!!!!


Celts said:
Yup..and you can sell the TP when the storm hits!!!
Good planning and you can make a tidy profit!! $$$$$
And with a big can freeze milk and bread.. Wife used to do that..
Buy low, sell high!!!!



New Member
Celts said:
Yup..and you can sell the TP when the storm hits!!!
Good planning and you can make a tidy profit!! $$$$$
And with a big can freeze milk and bread.. Wife used to do that..
Buy low, sell high!!!!

I still got 800 cans of tuna fish and 200 rolls of duct tape in my basement from the Y2K scare!